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Evil Chris 04-05-2005 07:57 PM

How long do you expect to live?
I figure based on my older relatives that have come and gone, I'll probably make it to at least 75. I find that to be a little young still. I'd like to break 90 if only to see my son grow into a man and have kids of his own.

pf69.com 04-05-2005 09:04 PM

I just hope that I dont live enough to see my daughter dead ... but I dont want her to see me dead either ... that is a though one ...

oceania 04-06-2005 12:57 AM

probably late 80's
but hoping my health gets better before it gets worse
old age is a bitch

gorgeous 04-06-2005 06:47 AM

i think 75

FeTiShLaDy 04-06-2005 09:19 AM

looks like i won't make it till the age of 85 cause my grannies died early like 68.

dyonisus 04-06-2005 10:47 AM

hard to say, my parents are like early 70's now.. I am mid 30's but feeling unhealthy, over weight high blood pressure, but I expect to get much healthier before I get too much older and could last until my 80's.

Funny when I was younger I had this "pfft who wants to be alive after their 40" attitude. Now I am like, "there is so much more I desire to learn, do achieve". I want to feel young and healthy as long as possible.

McAttack 04-06-2005 11:17 AM

A real coin toss with me. My dad's side has a hard time making it to 60, my mom's side won't die.

But with my drinking pattern, 34. :)

sexylady 04-06-2005 11:36 AM

:gorgeous: my grandma is still alive in her age of 90.
she still have a clear sight, yes, don't used glasses,
wish i will live long life like her.....

TheLegacy 04-06-2005 01:14 PM

my grandmother lived up to 98.. my dad is 80 and still waterski's and looks in his 60s so I image I will hang around till 95 - god. thats only around 40 years from now... gotta start living

Gruntled 04-06-2005 02:44 PM

around 80 or 90. I can't imagine what I'll be doing with my time by then, but I'm sure I'll come up with something.

SinSational 04-06-2005 04:38 PM

based on family history, i'd say 80. based on immediate family history i'd say 60

crazybeautiful 04-06-2005 05:14 PM

the siblings of my dad lived until the age of 73-76, but my aunt (their living eldest) is more than 80 now. my dad is now 74 and is still strong. we hope that he will live longer than 76.

im still single. im afraid to see my children be gone ahead of me. they're should be the ones to bury me, not otherwise.

that's a tough question Chris, but i think when im 80 i'd be ready to die...

DarkKnights 04-07-2005 07:07 PM

No one in my family has made it into their 70's, so I dont expect to either

Evil Chris 04-07-2005 10:32 PM

Nobody thinks they will break 100?
Come on... overall, people are living longer, healthier lives. Junk food notwithstanding...

Medicine has come a long way in the past 30 years. If I still have my wits about me and my body wants to soldier on past 100, I'm down with it!

McAttack 04-08-2005 12:14 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Nobody thinks they will break 100?
Come on... overall, people are living longer, healthier lives. Junk food notwithstanding...

Medicine has come a long way in the past 30 years. If I still have my wits about me and my body wants to soldier on past 100, I'm down with it!

100 is a nice number, but if I'm spending it in a wheel chair going from the bingo room to the bathroom, no thanks!

sammy 04-08-2005 04:05 AM


Originally posted by McAttack
100 is a nice number, but if I'm spending it in a wheel chair going from the bingo room to the bathroom, no thanks!
muhahha you're soo right

Visualad 04-08-2005 06:34 AM

I hope I live until the moment I say to myself: "I´ve had a good life, I did all I wanted to do, and Im happy."

At that point, Im ready to drop dead (if I have to....) ;-)

regardless if its at 75 or 95!

monaro 04-08-2005 08:23 AM

G'day Chris,

With my secret, I keep close to my chest, I can say I guess another 4 or 5 years tops.....
Sometimes I feel it will be much less.. I can only take each day as it comes and do with it as much as I can in a day.

Thank you God for giving me what you have given me and how you look after me when I am in need like I am needing you now.....

Take care, speak with you soon Chris.

Yours Truly


sweet7 04-08-2005 08:46 AM


Originally posted by monaro
G'day Chris,

With my secret, I keep close to my chest, I can say I guess another 4 or 5 years tops.....
Sometimes I feel it will be much less.. I can only take each day as it comes and do with it as much as I can in a day.

Thank you God for giving me what you have given me and how you look after me when I am in need like I am needing you now.....

Take care, speak with you soon Chris.

Yours Truly


Mark are you sick? :( What's going on, I haven't seen you around here or icq much lately. Get me on ICQ mate.

TheLegacy 04-08-2005 09:39 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Nobody thinks they will break 100?
Come on... overall, people are living longer, healthier lives. Junk food notwithstanding...

Medicine has come a long way in the past 30 years. If I still have my wits about me and my body wants to soldier on past 100, I'm down with it!

the problem is that stress / junk food and poor eating habits will kill us off even though medical science has gotten better. I wish you the best - but there are way too many chemicals and unseen vibes in the air that simply werent there many years back.

From my studies I did learn that in Old Testament times those in the 100's were about the same as we see ourselves in our 40's.

Rocco 04-08-2005 10:01 AM

I will break 100 - for sure ;)

dyonisus 04-08-2005 10:46 AM

I am not betting on 100 - but I like the idea of having my wits and body about me for a long time from now!

Gruntled 04-08-2005 12:21 PM


Originally posted by TheLegacy
From my studies I did learn that in Old Testament times those in the 100's were about the same as we see ourselves in our 40's.
They looked at 100 how we look at 40 because they led very simple lives. They didn't feel the need to cram 80 hours of pure stress into each week, then try to be superdad and supermom on the side for another 80 hours the same week.

They surely didn't eat or otherwise abuse their bodies the way we do.

sweet7 04-08-2005 06:12 PM


Originally posted by TheLegacy

From my studies I did learn that in Old Testament times those in the 100's were about the same as we see ourselves in our 40's.

where's this from exactly?

Panky 04-08-2005 06:35 PM

I'm content to just be alive. I don't think much about what I'll be like 30+ years from now or "Will I live to see 100?" If I live to be 100, cool, if I don't, no biggie.

People often say "Take this or do this, you'll live longer." Well, what about living for right now? We do need to take care of ourselves, but we should do it so we feel good now and are happy now, not because it might prolong life and maybe make us feel better when we are old.

jscott 04-09-2005 03:48 PM

i will die before the age of 60......for sure

Itchy 04-12-2005 02:12 PM

Your Personal Day of Death is...
Thursday, October 24, 2047

Seconds left to live...

Itchy 04-12-2005 02:13 PM

you can take all the guessing out of the question here

twinkley 04-12-2005 03:41 PM

both sides lived to 80+ ....

im hoping not that long for myself

i think 69 would be purfect :)

WebGemsHosting 04-13-2005 11:28 PM

Good question. The women out live the men in my family, LOL
I would like to grow old if my body will keep with my mind.
A healthy mind is a healthy body. A healthy body isnt necessarily a healthy mind.

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