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Evil Chris 12-09-2002 01:05 PM

First Concert / Best Concert
I love music, and I used to go to a heck of a lot of concerts.
A short time ago, Funbrunette and I went to see King Crimson. I had seen them before, and they put on a great show, but it was the first time FunB had seen them, and she was impressed by their unique style of music.

What's the first concert you ever went to? What was the best one?

For me, the first concert I ever went to was The Tubes, in 1982. They were (and I believe still are) a ver theatrical band. They changed their clothes (costumes) for each and every song they performed.

I think the best show I ever saw was Beck, during his Odelay tour. I was on the floor with my hands attached to the stage barrier like a vice-grip. I was only a few feet from Beck the whole show.

dyonisus 12-09-2002 02:31 PM

First Ever live rock show (if this counts) David Wilcox - Hey Candadians see if you remember that guy!!! Other then that is was John Cougar, yeah before the Mellencamp.

Since then I have seen too many shows to remember them all...
Best ever though, hmmm, U2 last year at Copps Colisium. Man I walked out of there with a new found respect!!!

cool1 12-09-2002 02:54 PM

My first concert was either Kiss in 1978/79 or Van HAlen in 1978/79
A little hard to remember, as that was 25yrs ago.

Was pretty fucked up on boose and weeds during that period.
I know I saw both concerts just can't remember which one was first.
I went to about 90 concerts between 1978 and 1997.

Mister X 12-09-2002 04:05 PM

My first concert was Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show. It was a small venue and they were past their prime but it was a damn good show.

Best concert was the Stones Voodoo Lounge Tour in Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton. Colin James and his Little Big Band opened the show. I had great seats. 34 rows back from the stage on the floor. Lots of fireworks and 30 ft. inflatable Elvises and Voodoo dolls and stuff. Everyone stood up when Colin James hit the stage and nobody sat down for the rest of the night. They even did 2 encores which they almost never do.

FreeNetPassDave 12-09-2002 04:31 PM

First concert - Amy Grant (I was 13, and I know, a moron).

Best conert - The Eagles (their first return tour in 95/96?) It was amazing, they played all their hits. I have never been to a concert where I sang every word of every song other than that concert.

2nd best - Dave Matthews in Alpine Valley WI. Outdoor concert. Fuckin NUTS!

3rd - Guns and roses. Don't laugh, it was the bomb.

AcidMaX 12-09-2002 05:09 PM

I think my first concert was a large rap tour back in the 80's.

Queen Latifah
Public Enemy
Kid N Play
and I think a Tribe Called Quest.

Phoenix 12-09-2002 05:43 PM

ah my first concert was Corey Hart...*sigh* i was young and my cousins took me along...

my best concert? Canada Day molson park..94?92? 93? 91? they were all good...

Magnus3x 12-09-2002 05:44 PM

First concert was a punk show SNFU, Big Drill Car, DOA, DayGlo Abortions

First bigger venue show was Jesus and Mary Chain with the A-Sexuals live at the Spectrum in MTL.

Best shows.. damn!!!!! way too many to pick just one..here is my small A list

Pearl Jam (MAx Bell Arena in Calgary..this was general adminission small venue)
Sound Garden w/The Reverend Horten Heat (same venue as above)
FishBone (if you get the chance...they will blow you away with energy)
Cadillac Tramps (Best front man live you will ever see)
Primus - Kool Haus in Toronto
Blind Melon w/Neil Young
Rage Against the Machine last show in Canada before they split, small venue The Pheonix in TO
Eden Fest:3 days.. bands galore the first night I saw the Cure then the Trag Hip right after ..insane!
Blues Traveler w/wide spread panic
Korn w/Rob Zombie

I can go on and on..man this is making me happy thinking about all these shows. I'm a music freek, I was in a band for 5 years (bass) I was a tour manager for a band on a US tour..and I will be doing some management for a new band out of Vancouver called "Jetstream".

AcidMaX 12-09-2002 05:52 PM

Yeah I bet Blues Traveler would be great. Their music has a lot of energy and I bet their concerts do to.

Primus would also be a good show I bet...just to see Les in action.


Horg 12-09-2002 05:56 PM

First concert I ever went to was the Fragility v2.0 2000 tour by Nine Inch Nails here in Montréal. That was a really, really great show (except for the opening band, Perfect Circle, which sucks ass very nicely). Second and last concert I ever went to was The Who Encore Series 2002 last July, in Mansfield, MA. Now that was really fucking great as well. The opening performer was Robert Plant with his band doing some songs from his new album Dreamland (which I should buy someday) and some old songs from Led Zeppelin. This was surprisingly good, or rather, excellent !

From the two I'd say that I enjoyed Nine Inch Nails a lot more because I knew the songs. For The Who I did not know most of the songs since I mostly listen to their live albums, which are what The Who should all be about anyway :)

I should really try to go to more concerts, but good artists that interest me are not heard of very often...

AcidMaX 12-09-2002 05:58 PM

Damn I almost forgot...I would say the best concert was probably the Rolling Stones when they played El Paso in 94 (roughly).

Brian Adams opened for them and he put on a better show than the stones. Had the entire stadium (outside) singing Summer of '69.


LaurieX 12-09-2002 06:14 PM

My first concert was Olivia Newton John when I was I 7. She was my hero when I was a kid hehe.

The best concert I ever saw had to be Primal Scream when their Screamedelica album was out.

The worst concert had to have been Erasure! They had dancing mushrooms on the stage. It would have been better on acid I think. :bonk:

LaurieX 12-09-2002 06:15 PM

And umm no I was not 17 please excuse the typo! I was 7 hehe

Panky 12-09-2002 06:26 PM

First concert was AC/DC Back in Black. Still one of the best. The concert supporting Stiff Upper Lip was a good one too. Hell, I've been to so many concerts from Motley Crue, Ozzy, Aerosmith, ZZTop... it's hard to say what my favorite is. I've loved them all!




baddog 12-09-2002 07:52 PM

first concert, 1966 or 67, starring Three Dog Night, with lead acts of Steppenwolf, Grass Roots, and Head over Heals. Think it cost $3.00 a ticket.

The best, that would really be tough, as there has been so many, I really could not say whjich was actually THE BEST

Panky 12-09-2002 07:58 PM


Originally posted by baddog
first concert, 1966 or 67, starring Three Dog Night, with lead acts of Steppenwolf, Grass Roots, and Head over Heals. Think it cost $3.00 a ticket.

The best, that would really be tough, as there has been so many, I really could not say whjich was actually THE BEST

Three Dog Night and Steppenwolf definitely produced some good music!



Sophdream 12-09-2002 08:34 PM

Maybe I`m better not put any year on that first show..LOL...I will really look like a baby lmao....My first one was Pink floyd at Mtl. I must admit that I LOVED it!

ric knows nina 12-09-2002 08:58 PM

first show was Donny and Marie when I was 6... don't worry, life got better for me.

best show is Jeff Buckley on New Year's Eve 95/96 on acid with my best friends. He played solo in front of 200 people. Unbelievable.

close second was Radiohead at a small venue right before OK Computer came out. that was a somethin

Slick 12-09-2002 10:32 PM

My first concert was Ratt during their "Dancing Undercover" tour. Poison was the opening act and was on their "Look What The Cat Dragged In" tour. I thought that it was a kick ass show, both bands were in their prime years of kicking ass.

I think that seeing Def Leppard was one of my favorite shows, although Damn Yankees was great too, seeing Ted Nuggent with his bow and arrow, then having him do a couple of his tunes, that was great.

I could go on and on about the bands that I've seen back in the days, it'd be really hard to pick just one.

Mister X 12-09-2002 10:52 PM


Originally posted by twinkley
My first concert was a christian band called PETRA. It was cool at the time - only got to listen to christian and oldies then....

Best concert has to be a toss up between Marilyn Manson and Korn. Both totally rocked!


I'd really like to see Marilyn Manson in concert. I think he's a lot better musician than people tend to give him credit for. But I heard him before I saw him. Hehe.

Sarah_MaxCash 12-09-2002 10:53 PM

Hmm...I think the first concert I went to was sha-na-na when I was about 5 I guess. My parents must have enjoyed it because we went to two more of those growing up.

The best concert I have ever been to was REM at Madison Square Garden on the Monster tour. It is hard to talk about it without every little (and not so little) hair on my body standing on end. They were my fave band anyway but that was just amazing. I have seen them once since and it was great but nothing compares to that first time.

Gonna go put Automatic For The People on now.

Stouch 12-10-2002 05:38 AM

Duran Duran was the first in 94 I think. Pink Floyd was the best.

Talk of concerts always brings up one of my biggest regrets in that I didnt bunk off school one day to go see Queen play at Wembley Stadium like a couple of my friends did. Now I will never have the chance :(

RMS 12-10-2002 09:19 AM

First concert was Pink Floyd... and every one of their concerts I have seen or been to, have been the best.

You don't even need to be chemically altered to just check out at one of thier shows.


Panky 12-10-2002 01:16 PM


Originally posted by RMS
First concert was Pink Floyd... and every one of their concerts I have seen or been to, have been the best.

You don't even need to be chemically altered to just check out at one of thier shows.


YES! Pink Floyd! :worthy:

I've never seen them live in concert though. :(



Vid Vicious 12-10-2002 01:23 PM

My First concert was "Queen, Killer Queen tour" Also my first time trying out Speed ..
The Queen concert was quickly followed by " ACDC For those about to Rock tour" My First Acid trip ...

Hmm do you see a patterned here?

JFK 12-10-2002 02:33 PM

Not In any Particular Order, and this will date me , but I have seen Led Zeppelin a couple of times, As well as Hendrix , John and Yoko, The original Who, Bob Marley , The Guess Who, Sly and the Family Stone, Rod Stewart, and countless others which escape me at this moment :cool:

Tafkap 12-10-2002 04:40 PM

First one : ZZ Top, in France (Arènes de Fréjus), i was 14... was a blast for me!! I was surrounded by Big Bikers smoking weed...

Last one : Prince, in Paris, the One Night Alone Tour : i've attended rehearsals (1h30 long), the show itself (3h long) and another intimate gig the same night at Le Bataclan (famous club in Paris) (4h30 long) : 9 hours of Prince in the same night!!!! it was one of the best days in my Life!!


Panky 12-10-2002 06:21 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
My First concert was "Queen, Killer Queen tour" Also my first time trying out Speed ..
The Queen concert was quickly followed by " ACDC For those about to Rock tour" My First Acid trip ...

Hmm do you see a patterned here?

Ummmm... Let me guess... You have good taste in music? :nyanya:



-=HUNGRYMAN=- 12-11-2002 06:07 PM

First Concert : IRON MAIDEN - Number of the Beast Tour @ Madison Square Gardens

Best Concert : Hands down ... MONSTERS OF ROCK/ROCKIN' RIO '85
55 bands in 9 days in sunny Rio de Janero, Brasil (right on the beach)

Included IRON MAIDEN, JUDAS PRIEST, WHITESNAKE, AC/DC, OZZY, QUEEN, ROD STEWART, SCORPIONS, THE GO GOs, THE CLASH, and a relatively unheard of band that was kicking some major ass called "METALLICA"

Tons of lesser-known bands on 3 stages all day long ... this was my first trip anywhere on my own ... and what a trip it was !!!!!!

nothing yet has even came close to comparing !!! :cool: :cool: :cool:

pornodoggy 12-16-2002 09:25 PM


Originally posted by baddog
first concert, 1966 or 67, starring Three Dog Night, with lead acts of Steppenwolf, Grass Roots, and Head over Heals. Think it cost $3.00 a ticket.

The best, that would really be tough, as there has been so many, I really could not say whjich was actually THE BEST

Damn - I wasn't going to post in this thread until I saw somebody older'n me post:D First concert I ever saw was in the fall of '67, when I saw the Greatful Dead play in the National Guard Armory in St. Louis. Probably less than 2000 people there that time.

Best concert I ever saw is a lot harder to pick ... it would be either the Who (with John Cougar and LoverBoy opening) in San Diego in 82, or Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band in Lewiston, Maine, back in 77.

Well ... then there was the Who in 68? 69? - a month or so after they played the concert at Leeds that is an album. Or The Band, about the same time. Or ...

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