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teenpussy 04-16-2005 04:26 AM

real fuck drug ?
you know a drug that i can put into a drink for keep any person out.

i like to get a think like this because i need to drug any girl.

she is very nice looking young and fresh.

but she donīt like to take off her clouthers for me.

i think if i drug her, i can make some pictures

i have found a website DELETED

but i am not sure this is what i need

can you tell me more ?

Panky 04-16-2005 05:18 AM

You can't be serious. There's drugs you can use, but don't be surprised if she files rape charges or sexual assault charges. If she doesn't want to do it, there's plenty of others that will. Just put an ad in a newspaper or magazine or something like that.

lazzlo 04-16-2005 06:18 AM

whoever drugs girls should be killed loser

sweet7 04-16-2005 06:49 AM


Originally posted by Panky
You can't be serious. There's drugs you can use, but don't be surprised if she files rape charges or sexual assault charges. If she doesn't want to do it, there's plenty of others that will. Just put an ad in a newspaper or magazine or something like that.
This guy sounds like a real winner.

I hope you enjoy the :jail: time.

Funbrunette 04-16-2005 08:29 AM

:banned: See you later moron!!!!

lazzlo 04-16-2005 09:36 AM


Funbrunette 04-16-2005 09:49 AM

Not only did I ban his ass I also reported him to www.ASACP.org as he had a link to CP! Needless to say Xnations doesn't put up with that shit!!!!!! :mad:

McAttack 04-16-2005 05:50 PM

Good job FB.

sweet7 04-16-2005 06:38 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Not only did I ban his ass I also reported him to www.ASACP.org as he had a link to CP! Needless to say Xnations doesn't put up with that shit!!!!!! :mad:

I think cookie monster speaks for all of us :D

Don Soporno 04-16-2005 07:30 PM


I would have to agree with Lazz, anyone who drugs a chick to make her do anything she doesnt want to is a fucking loser and should be castrated. Do like the rest of us and work for it moron, makes it a hell of alot more fun IF SHE IS MOVING. But wait, I guess someone so bad in bed they had to drug a chick would be used to her not moving from the lack of orgasm....lol

sammy 04-17-2005 01:06 AM

great job FB ! what a moron !

Vid Vicious 04-17-2005 09:55 AM

now a days there is no need to drug a chick to get her in bed .. todays youth grew up on porn ..

has anone read the article on Teen Porn in le Devoir yesterday?

Vid Vicious 04-17-2005 09:56 AM

here's the link .. (it's in french) http://www.ledevoir.com/2005/04/16/79553.html

Itchy 04-17-2005 02:35 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Not only did I ban his ass I also reported him to www.ASACP.org as he had a link to CP! Needless to say Xnations doesn't put up with that shit!!!!!! :mad:
Nice to see IT :banned:

MediaGuy 04-18-2005 11:38 AM

I read that thing in the Devoir. The media are getting a little freaky for me here. I noticed in the article that they didn't talk about "porn" or the adult consumer market, although they talk about our "pornographic society" whatever that means.

Porn isn't so readily available or rather isn't marketted to teens and kids, but Christina, Britney and all the other "sluttiest singer" competitors are completely aimed at the kids... are we to blame?

Vid Vicious 04-18-2005 11:49 AM


Originally posted by MediaGuy
I read that thing in the Devoir. The media are getting a little freaky for me here. I noticed in the article that they didn't talk about "porn" or the adult consumer market, although they talk about our "pornographic society" whatever that means.

Porn isn't so readily available or rather isn't marketted to teens and kids, but Christina, Britney and all the other "sluttiest singer" competitors are completely aimed at the kids... are we to blame?

INteresting that you see it that way ...

I'll let you know that I have had some of my erotica images viewed in a teen mag called Adorable .. here in Quebec ... They ran several articles and images on "pornStar Academy 2" ... you tell me, is porn readily available to the Youth .. I say yes ..

Mags such as Summum (French Maxxim) .. Ran 6 page Pictorials of the softer images from pornstar academy too .. seems like Porn is more and more accepted as Media and Entertainment for the general public .... Adult Sex Dating sites are popping up everywhere and are directed to teens and post teens ...

It's wasn't directly said in that article but it was surely implied

BTW ... Mediaguy .. your sig link is broken

McAttack 04-18-2005 10:40 PM

Even if it's not DIRECTLY MARKETED towards teens, it is easily accessible. I think to when I was a teenager, and finding a photochopped celebrity pic was a big thing. Now, most high schoolers have seen or at least heard of the Paris Hilton video, they know how to get free porn on the net even without credit cards (P2P is amazing for that I guess) and it's just much easier to see T&A now. They don't need to rent porkies and pause the tape like we had to growing up.

Don Soporno 04-19-2005 09:36 AM

yea in the day of the P2P trader porn is just as accessable for teens as it is for us. And believe it or not but that is NOT an understatement. Kids get smarter and smarter with each generation and also more sexually active and explorative. Hardcore porn is to teens nowadays what playboy was to us as kids. May The Gods help our grandchildrens grandchildren.

Vid Vicious 04-19-2005 11:00 AM


Originally posted by McAttack
They don't need to rent porkies and pause the tape like we had to growing up.
LOL ... I forgot how I abused my Porky's videotape .. LOL ....

Who can forget Emanuelle or the Story of O ... B erotica was the closest thing to porn we got .. NUit Blue (Blue Nights)

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