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Detour- Diva 04-16-2005 11:21 PM

Friend Finders Ex-President Joins DateApp's Advisory Board

Friend finder’s President Michael Crosson finds Love at DateApp.com

Ex-President of Friend finder’s Medley Marketing Group, Michael Crosson joins Advisory Board for DateApp’s Dating Network for Special Projects.

Atlanta, GA – April 12, 2005- Michael Crosson resigned from Friend Finder, Inc. as president of their marketing group, Medley.com in pursuit of his next challenge within the digital landscape. During his time at Friend finder, he originated several successful marketing initiatives and co-brands to include Hustler and Penthouse. With over 17 years of leading board advisement and executive team participation, Mr. Crosson has worked with many of the pioneers, now leaders within the ecommerce community such as Flipside, Map Quest, AOL, e-coupons, and Inc Magazine Online.

His introduction to the DateApp.com came from Friend Finders valuation of competitive technologies that could overtime upset Friend Finders hold on the dating landscape. Over a period several months, Crosson and Rob Brackett, current CTO of Friend Finder evaluated potential synergies between the two companies with DateApp’s CEO John Michael Cataldi.

“Though greatly impressed with Friend Finder as a company, we felt that the best course of action for DateApp is to execute on our current strategy. We do not directly compete for consumers with companies such as Friend Finder, Match, or others in the marketplace, our main focus in on long term growth with our web based partners, by providing them with their own dating community to match not only their site, but also their member demographics”, says John Michael.

“I am pleased to be an active participant on DateApp’s Advisory Board. Given my exposure to the industry as a whole, I have the up most belief that DateApp will become a major force in the industry. Two technologies, soon to be released, have increased paid member conversions 5 times higher than the industries average, that’s huge for DateApp’s partnered webmasters!”, comments Crosson.

Mr. Crosson’s activities will be focused on several technologies DateApp will soon be releasing to their portal network with a special focus on paid conversion and membership retention.

DateApp Networks
Phone: 678.318.3696 x 100
Fax: 678.495.1460

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