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crazybeautiful 04-20-2005 02:29 PM

how did we survive our childhood
Take a very short walk through our history / memory lane. How did we survive our childhood?

If you were a kid in the 50's, 60's, 70's or even early 80's ..how did you survive your childhood?

1.- When we were growing up we never wore seatbelts in the car, cars didn't have airbags...

2.- Riding on the back of a pick up truck was an adventure that we still remember!

3.- Our cribs were painted with bright colors (paint which was full of lead)

4.- We didn't have childproof medicine bottles, nor did our parents ever childproof our house

5.- When we rode our bikes we never wore a helmet.

6.- We would drink water from the faucet or from a hose in the backyard (not bottled water).

7.- We didn't have cell phones , so our parents were never able to reach us (awesome) .

8.- We would get scrapes, bruises, break bones , lose teeth, but we would never sue for these accidents.

9.- We would eat cake, , bread and butter, , drink sugary drinks, and we weren't overweight because we were always outside playing

10.- Four of us would share a drink, we would all drink from the same bottle and that wasn't gross nor would anyone get sick.

11.- We didn't have Playstations, Nintendo 64, X boxes, video games, cable TV with over 100 channels, VCR's, surround sound , cellular phones, computers, online chatrooms, instead we would have tons of FRIENDS

12.- Some of us weren't as bright as others but when one would get left back that was no big deal. They would not get taken to a psychologist, nor did they ever suffer from dyslexia, hyperactivity, ADHD, ADD, etc, they would simply repeat the grade until they passed.

13.- We had freedom, mishaps, successes, responsibilities,
and we would learn to deal with them.
The question is...How did we survive? and above all, to become the GREAT people that we are today? Are you from one of these generations

If you are, then share this message to others from your same generation or to others who are younger so that they can see how we survived.
They will probably say that we were very boring, but I believe that we were VERY HAPPY CHILDREN...

Evil Chris 04-20-2005 03:20 PM

life was so much easier then... :)

crazybeautiful 04-20-2005 03:31 PM

i agree...no worries indeed :D

Panky 04-20-2005 04:52 PM

That list is so true! I loved being a kid! I had so much fun! :D

I used to think my parents were strict pain in the asses for some of their rules we had to obey. Rules like, we were limited on how much time we could spend watching TV, playing Atari, and being on the phone. We weren't allowed to have a TV in our bedrooms either.

Now I look back on it and I'm glad they made the rules they made. :D

crazybeautiful 04-20-2005 05:00 PM


Originally posted by Panky
That list is so true! I loved being a kid! I had so much fun! :D

I used to think my parents were strict pain in the asses for some of their rules we had to obey. Rules like, we were limited on how much time we could spend watching TV, playing Atari, and being on the phone. We weren't allowed to have a TV in our bedrooms either.

Now I look back on it and I'm glad they made the rules they made. :D

i missed atari :D
and i remember the "no tv in the bedroom..." i always wanted to watch tv in our bedroom but couldnt understand why we were restricted...

i love to look back when my parents were sooo strict with me & my sibs, i simply love to know how much im loved. :blush:

FeTiShLaDy 04-21-2005 09:26 AM

very good post and a long read but worth it.
life before is easy compared what we have now and i miss my childhood days.

latinafind 04-22-2005 10:57 AM

I am glad of the rules I had, although I pity those growing up in the politically correct madness now.

DonMike 04-22-2005 07:45 PM

Have you heard that song about a girl being stuck in 1985. I don't know who sings it but at first I really hated it because I'm thinking "Who are these little snots coming along and ripping on my generation?" But the more I listen to it, it makes me think of all the snobs I went to high school with who had thier "glory days" back then and who spend the rest of thier lives looking back rather than enjoying what's going on now. And I think that's really the point of the song.

But if you think about how things were when you were 18 (especially if you were 18 during or before the 80's), and then think about how they are now, would you ever have imagined that the world would be the way it is now?

crazybeautiful 04-27-2005 06:15 PM

i was only then, i probably dont recall that song. or maybe never heard of it at all LOL
i just miss being a kid....*sigh*

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