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godesshollie 04-20-2005 08:21 PM

ATTN: Distributors, Retailers, and One-Stops!
ATTN: Distributors, Retailers, and One-Stops!

Goddess Hollie and HellHouse Video are seeking distribution:
With such groundbreaking titles as Dungeon Diaries One & Two (with more kinks in one scene than ever before!), Sindi's Wet and Messy Adventure, Mother Fucking, and many more, HellHouse Video is looking to supplement its incredibly successful web sales component with retail distribution. Our videos are uniquely and professionally shot and packaged, and our sales history forecasts a profitable relationship.

For more information or to be in touch, contact

Ty Gonty
3611 SW 112th St.
Seattle, WA 98146

You can also find out more information online at www.hellhousedungeon.com

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