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-   -   Nova Submitter V 1.18 was released + new databases (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=11452)

zhuk 05-04-2005 05:42 PM

Nova Submitter V 1.18 was released + new databases
Hi everebody,
We have released new version!
- Site manager has been completely redone. Now, all the site data is located in one window and it will simplify the process of adding of sites.
- “Submit semi-automatic mode” has been added to the submitter. When the button Submit Auto is clicked in the bookmark Manual, sites in all 5 windows will start loading and you will have to only check correctness of filling the form and click Submit on the page. While shifting to the other window, the previous one will be loaded with the next site out of the list.
- Link-Lists that require registration, will pass in the automatic mode without any problems.
- You can quickly register graphic and text receips. For installation of graphic receip now it is sufficient to press Save picture as... on the picture and the program shall install the receip in the site adjustment. If this picture contained URL and ALT tag, the program can also read and install them. And for the text receip you have to select HTML text of the receip and select Copy out of the browser menu. In this way the program shall copy it in the site adjustment.
- You can set ALT tag for graphic receips.
- Now you can set status key words (successful and mistaken) for all the sites simultaneously.
- All databases was updated

To get 2 weeks free trial please visit our site www.novasubmitter.com

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