X Nations

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-   -   Want free hosting and free traffic to your galleries? (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=11489)

RicardoB 05-09-2005 06:48 AM

Want free hosting and free traffic to your galleries?
K, here's the deal

I just launched my freehost at http://www.tunahosts.com and I want it used so.......

The first 100 webmasters that grab an account there and put up a gallery get 7days of traffic sent to it from me (Targetted

niche gallery traffic)

So grab and account, upload a gallery then post the url in this thread so I can add it.

many might have a problem posting the gallery url in fear of it being copied. You can ICQ me the url also.

My ICQ# = 193213571

As soon as I got 100 url's traffic starts for 7 days :)


RicardoB 05-09-2005 05:08 PM

C'mon folks don't be shy

I run an excellent freehost and have quality traffic waiting for ya :D

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