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MediaGuy 05-09-2005 12:11 PM

Gratitude and appreciation (2much shoutout NOW SPICED UP WITH PICS!)
I want to extend most heartfelt thanks and mushy gratitude to everyone who came to Montreal and made Webmaster Access East a blast! You guys were (and still are) the greatest!

First off thanks to Dugmor! and JoinRightNow for organizational fervor and effort and doing all you could to help promote everyone's everything. Very cool.

The suppers and parties rawked, so everyone pat themselves on the back - but I want to thank particulars here...

I have to thank Eric from Gamma for making sure I was used but not too harshly discarded on Thursday night at club The Living. Compassion and good sense equalled by few. I owe you one, man ;)

But at the same time I have to thank those who did play with me while I was out, and got a lot of us a lot of exposure. Thanks especially to Michel of Qwebec Expo, who started the ball rolling with a borrowed lipstick and earned me a dancing banana! Couldn't have done it without you, man.

Thanks to Eric of Adult.com for all the help and support - you made it right for my people, dude, and I hope y'all come back to Montreal again and again.

The 2much party was a success and a large part of the blame goes to Ivan of Ivan & Co., who deserves a plug for his sound and light show this and every year he's done his thing for us.

I know I'm missing a lot of thanks here - and you're right if you think I'm a dick for not doing it now. But I want this up now. So I'll be getting around to it probably sooner than later - and probably personally (you know who you are heheheh).

Again every one who made it up here - Thanks and Love and See ya next one!


AhOh shit I almost forgot!!

CONGRATULATIONS TO RAFFI of AdultLounge.com - he won the myVirtualCard.com poker tournament and earned himself a LiveCamNetwork 1.9 video chat site from 2much.net worth 12 grand!


BTW - here's the links to our party pics - taken by a flesh fan, apparently :) http://cam.livecamnetwork.com/pictur...005/index.html


MediaGuy 05-09-2005 02:08 PM


Vid Vicious 05-09-2005 02:38 PM

Was great meeting ya Greg

crazybeautiful 05-10-2005 02:01 PM

bump to this thread ;)

Ronaldo 05-10-2005 03:19 PM

It was nice to meet you Greg.

If you haven't met this guy yet, he's even more of a character than I am. For anyone that knows me, that's REALLY saying something.

Sadly, the best picture of me at the show....


Thanks for the party Greg. I had a blast. And caught my flight about 3 hours after this pic.

globofun 05-10-2005 08:21 PM

Perverssia and myself would like to thank you, and everybody at 2much for an incredible evening.

Thanks to everyone that made this convention a big success!

See you in september......and next year of course.

Yanick (aka Globofun)

Janell 05-11-2005 01:10 PM

I heard it was a great show.

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