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ElvisManson 09-06-2002 03:33 PM

Our porn hits Jerry Springer
OK....you probably all know the Holio Midget....you seem him at the shows and stuff.

Well just before the FL show we launched a new content feed called " I Dream of Teeny" You can check it out at www.pythonvideo.com U - vip P - showme1

It has taken off like crazy...He has been doing mainstream radio interviews like crazy...last week it was The BBC, all kinds of US radio.....tonight he is doing a local Toronto show on CFRB (AM 1010 for those of you in Toronto)

On Monday he is taping on the Jerry Springer show....lol.....I have no idea what the subject title is or anything yet...but when it airs I'll be sure to let ya'll know.:p

Evil Chris 09-06-2002 04:49 PM

Good work if you can get it? LOL...

Shann 09-06-2002 06:10 PM

HAHAHAHA does he have missing teeth? Isn't that a pre-req for being a jerry springer guest? ;)

Evil Chris 09-07-2002 12:45 AM

The Holio midget on Springer....
I'm kinda wondering now who they are going to have on that he can "fight" with? Bridgette the midget?

luke 09-07-2002 12:50 AM

His transexual 7 foot tall girlfriend that is also sleeping with his mom...

Haven't I seen that episode already?

Evil Chris 09-07-2002 12:59 AM

Remember when Dr. Evil and Scott Evil were on Springer in Austin Powers 2... that was bloody classic...

Scott Evil rocks! :cool:

luke 09-07-2002 01:03 AM

Are y'all related?

I still haven't seen #3...guess I need to get out more instead of sitting here posting on boards. :-)

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