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Detour- Diva 05-11-2005 10:55 PM

Fast Love Draws Fast Following, DateApp.com Hits New Record!
For Immediate Release: May 5, 2005

Fast Love Draws Fast Following, DateApp.com hits new record!
136 Niche Dating Portals in 5 days!

DateApp reports that niche webmasters creating their niche dating network has hit an all time weekly record of 136 new website launches over the past 5 days.

"This is attributed to better education and the realization that webmasters can create multiple dating sites through the same interface covering multiple niches," says Lee Markham, VP of Technology.

Over the next several months, DateApp's business development activities will be focused on current contractual rollouts to several media partners to include a cable network, a newspaper syndicate, and a mainstream cellular carrier scheduled for release and formal announcement in Q3.



DateApp Online Dating Software also provides online, interactive classrooms for webmasters to create and market their custom dating site. Classrooms are held weekly and can run up to an hour or more depending on the level of participation from the attending webmasters. The cost of the class is free, but is limited to 15 seats per session with multiple sessions running depending on demand and availability of multiple principals.

For registration of DateApp’s interactive classroom, webmasters need only to enroll for DateApp.com partner program.


John Michael Cataldi, CEO
DateApp, Inc.
Office US: 678-318-3696 Ext. 100
London / U.K.: +44(0)7092 377813
Mobile: 404-849-0065
ICQ#: 175771465

DateApp, Inc. Family of Products:
www.DateApp.com:Content management solution for the personals industry.
www.LeadWurx.com:Lifestyle Advertising Engine.
www.LifePrepaid.com:Alternate payment solution for digital media.
(Launching May 2005)

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