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Zorgman 12-11-2002 02:43 AM

Webmaster Program
Adultidex.net's Webmaster Program

Benefits of creating an account with Adultindex include:
Unique text-based ads displayed on search results and category pages that are highly visible.
Keyword targeting that eliminates waste and increases relevance.
Run up to five adverts at any given time.

How it works...
Adultindex Network is a advanced ad management system that give you access to add your own links to our search results and category pages.

From your website(s) you link to Adultindex with a referal code using our text or buttons. When you send people the page displays your banner advert (468x60) at the top right.
When they click on links, side ads and top ads within our database it generates points for your account. Once you reach 1000 points you can place a text link to a sponsor or link of your choice.
This system is suited for those that want target traffic to a specific sponsor, link or paysite.

Our Point System
Points are generated when clicks are made under your account.

1 Point Click of normal Link
2 Points Click of side text advert
3 Points Click of top text advert (search result page only)
5 Points Submission of approved link. (coming soon)
10 Points Search results generated from a form on your website. (coming soon)
50 Points Active webmaster referral. (coming soon)

Once you have generated 1000 point you can place a text advert online. You can either select all categories to place your text ad in, search keywords OR a mix of both.
Every 1000 points links gives you 200 targeted clicks to your site(s). You can use more points when setting up a campaign. For example, if you have 5000 points and have two sites to promote, you can use 4000 points (800 clicks) on one campaign and 1000 points (200 clicks) to another campaign.
All advert compaigns have real time stats.

It's quite easy to rack up 1000 points, for example; if you send 100 people and they all click on 10 links you generate 1,000 points. 1,000 people with 10 links = 10,000 points.

As a bonus... every account made up to 01-01-2003 will be given 300 Points to get started. :)

Note: This has just lunched and is still in BETA mode.

This is what your controls look like: http://www.adultindex.net/img/stats.jpg

If your interested, you can signup here. http://www.adultindex.net/webmasters.php

Any questions, please email support@adultindex.net

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