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Gamma Eric 05-13-2005 03:09 PM

GammaCash VIP Card Contest

Got one of those ???

On Monday the 16th of May 2005 at 12:00pm ET; GammaCash will be announcing a contest exclusively to their GammaCash VIP card holder.

Make sure to have your Cards ready!!!

1- To activate your card, you need to send an email to webmaster@gammacash.com and tell us what your GammaCash account number is and also give us the last 4 digits on your GammaCash VIP card
2- Get your GammaCash account HERE
3- Details will be announced on Monday

webgurl 05-13-2005 03:41 PM

i still have my card and will activate it now .

Gamma Eric 05-16-2005 01:04 PM

Stay Tuned Contest will announced soon!!!!!

All the details will be annonced in the contest thread I will be posting shortly.

But in resume, the card will give you :

- access to All GammaCash events, dinners, parties, activities etc

- ability to participate in all contest we will be announcing throughout the year.

- Our contests will be not only chances of winning gifts like what we'll be announcing today, but also Higher payout days exclusive to card holder.

-Each contest will be different! yup that means more work for me and more fun for you!!

So stay tuned we are going to be announcing soon this week's contest!

Have Fun!

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