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sweetums 05-16-2005 06:37 PM

NEW! Guaranteed LightspeedCash Payout!!
May 16, 2005 - NEW!!! Guaranteed Lightspeedcash payout!

LightspeedCash has decided to..."Put our money where our mouth is!" Instead of the usual affiliate sales contest, where only a handful of people win, we're going to GUARANTEE that our affiliates are paid for their hard-earned traffic and efforts!

Staring May 16th through June 15th, LightspeedCash will guarantee a MINIMUM PAYOUT of $0.02/unique click*, valid for up to 25,000 unique clicks in a month. And, $0.02/unique click is just the start! There are great potentials for affiliates to make even more then that -- we currently have affiliates who generate over $0.50/unique!

At LightspeedCash, we want to encourage our affiliates to try new promotion avenues...and this way, you can do so without the stress of wondering whether that traffic will be a wasted effort. This is a guaranteed ROI...even if you don't generate a single sale! At $0.02/unique for up to 25,000 uniques, you're looking at a minimum of $500.00...IN YOUR POCKET...whether sales are generated or not!!

For further information please do not hesitate to contact LightspeedCash at support@lightspeedcash.com.

* These must be legitimate clicks, no Pop-Up or blind traffic will be accepted. Affiliate accounts will be monitored.

thruma 05-16-2005 10:02 PM

Well we all knew lightspeed is top-notch but this is great. :)

sweetums 05-16-2005 11:35 PM

Thanks thruma :)

Don Soporno 05-16-2005 11:37 PM

lookin good as always. I still make money with lightspeed, have for a long time now and have a feeling that I will be for a long time to come.

george 05-17-2005 03:41 AM

sweet deal! :p

sweetums 05-17-2005 11:30 AM

I forgot to add earlier...if anyone needs any help or has any questions please don't hesitate to hit me up on ICQ :)

Hope everyone's having a super Tuesday :)

Funbrunette 05-17-2005 01:41 PM

Great deal...Thanks for the info Lisa! :D

Gamma Eric 05-17-2005 01:46 PM

Great Promo!!!

Like always Lightspeed knows how to get the attention!!!

I'll have to start finally to send traffic to Lightspeed after all these years of saying we will send to each other!!!

We will be registering soon :)

TheLegacy 05-17-2005 05:02 PM

awesome sweetums

lightspeed rocks

spideriux 05-17-2005 05:29 PM

good deal !

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