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-   -   PR5 site giving out hard links! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=11587)

thewiz 05-18-2005 02:55 AM

PR5 site giving out hard links!
Yep thats right a pr5 site so if you would like to increase you pr ranking by being hardlinked to a pr5 site then here is your chance!

Now if you would like to get your site hard linked with my pr5 site at http://www.xxxdailypictures.com/ then you will need to be able to send my site 500 productive hits everyday and I monitor all hard links for cheaters so if you can't send 500 productive hits to the site daily then don't waste yours or my time because if you don't send the hits your link is deleted.......so only webmasters that are willing to work on a good solid link exchange need apply!

Interested webmasters send your info to me at webmaster@xxxdailypictures.com

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