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sexsearch-com 05-18-2005 11:10 AM

SexSearch.com - Webmaster Increased Payouts and Payment By ePassporte

SexSearch.com Adult Personals Offers Webmasters Payment By ePassporte

SexSearch.com Adult Personals is pleased to announce the addition of ePassporte as a webmaster payout option. “We are pleased to offer this additional affiliate payout option in response to the number of webmasters who have approached us inquiring about receiving their payments by ePassporte,” said SexSearch.com’s VP of Sales & Marketing Adam Small. SexSearch.com is the world's fastest-growing adult dating website with more than 3 million members and over 15,000 new members a day.

For more information, visit http://affiliate.sexsearch.com/?ref=8051

SexSearch.com Adult Personals Offers Webmasters Increased Payouts

SexSearch.com Adult Personals is now running an increased payout tier promotion. If a webmaster does an average of 10+ signups/day in a pay period they will earn $22.50 a signup, if they do an average of 20+ signups/day in a pay period they will earn $25/signup.
The promotion will run until the end of July.

For more information, visit http://affiliate.sexsearch.com/?ref=8051.

Joe Frasca
Account Manager
ICQ - 239734320

rand 05-18-2005 01:29 PM

Fantastic news!

Great promotion too.

plugin 05-19-2005 09:12 AM

Great promotion

Pendo 05-20-2005 05:11 PM

great promo! now where do I go to change my payment method?

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