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thewiz 05-26-2005 02:49 PM

PR5 site Needs hosting!!!!
Hi hosting webmasters I have a PR5 domain that is without hosting at this time and I need hosting with unmetered BW, php, mysql and cgi Now what I'm offering you in return for the hosting is my 404 page traffic you give me the hosting and you put what ever you want on the 404 page as long as its legal......Plus at the bottom of all the pages of my site I'll put a link that say's host by....so in return for the hosting you get my 404 page for your links which means more sales for you plus you get your link on my PR5 page plus your link goes on all my category pages which are all PR3's which will in time get you a better page ranking in the search engines which means more search engine traffic which means you get more quality traffic which means LOTS more sales for you

So your not giving away the hosting your getting paid with more traffic, better page ranking and more sales!

So any webmasters interested in this deal please contact me at greenjeans58@hotmail.com or ICQ 173819477

SinSational 05-26-2005 03:23 PM

what is your site?
roughly how much BW are you thinking as "unmetered"

thewiz 05-26-2005 03:44 PM

the site is a TGP www.xxxdailypictures.com and as far as BW I have never come close to 1gb of bw in a given month yet

thewiz 05-26-2005 03:46 PM

Plus I post galleries and free site around the net and on all of them will be hosted by and a link to your site so you should pick up some good traffic there too!

Cash 05-27-2005 07:17 PM

Just pay for a cheap but reliable virtual host, I recommend Dreamhost

thewiz 05-29-2005 11:05 AM

Hosting found and I'm waiting for dns to change then I'm back online.....BUT thanks to all how replied

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