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Vid Vicious 06-05-2005 08:03 AM

Paris is beautiful
Once you get past the smug attitude the french are pretty nice people ...

I'm on week two of my eurofuck tour and all is well ... Looking forward to the middle of week when I go hook up with one of the biggest stars in France in Nice. Damn Look out Nomi, I got your ass in sight ...

Any Webmasters in the area should contact me ... anyone else needing to contact can use Skpe (www.skpe.com) its free PC to Pc Calling, my user name is vid.vicious

Nikko Appel moi je suis a L'hotel Paris Nord, pres de la garde du nord - chambre 11, je suis a cette hotel jus'qu a Mercredi midi...

keep an Eye on this thread for more updates on my EuroFuck tour

Visualad 06-05-2005 08:07 AM

you mean SKYPE.com , right Vid??

;-) I wanna see some fucking pics from the fucktour...

Vid Vicious 06-05-2005 08:08 AM

LOL Yah Skype ...

sorry bro you'll have to wait for the DVD

BTW I was on Canal Plus last night, an exclusive interview on Journal Du Hard

Funbrunette 06-05-2005 09:21 PM

Re: Paris is beautiful

Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Nikko Appel moi je suis a L'hotel Paris Nord, pres de la garde du nord - chambre 11, je suis a cette hotel jus'qu a Mercredi midi...

Pas de problem je vais te rejoindre ce soir pour un petit rendez-vous secret! :blush:

Glad you're enjoying Europe babe...come back soon! :D

Tafkap 06-06-2005 04:15 AM

Re: Re: Paris is beautiful

Originally posted by Funbrunette
Pas de problem je vais te rejoindre ce soir pour un petit rendez-vous secret! :blush:

Glad you're enjoying Europe babe...come back soon! :D

Hehehehe, wanna do a threesome baby?

Vid, Je ne suis pas à Paris actuellement... mais je t'ai dis que je serais dans le sud de la France la semaine prochaine si tu y es :bonk:

Don Soporno 06-06-2005 07:30 AM

Re: Re: Paris is beautiful

Originally posted by Funbrunette
Pas de problem je vais te rejoindre ce soir pour un petit rendez-vous secret! :blush:

Glad you're enjoying Europe babe...come back soon! :D

Im not sure what you just said but Im so turned on right now I gotta go wake up the wife...lol

Panky 06-06-2005 09:00 AM

Re: Re: Re: Paris is beautiful

Originally posted by Don Soporno
Im not sure what you just said but Im so turned on right now I gotta go wake up the wife...lol
LOL! Hearing her speak it would push you right over the edge for sure.

Funbrunette 06-06-2005 12:23 PM

Re: Re: Re: Paris is beautiful

Originally posted by Tafkap
Hehehehe, wanna do a threesome baby?

Vid, Je ne suis pas à Paris actuellement... mais je t'ai dis que je serais dans le sud de la France la semaine prochaine si tu y es :bonk:

Bien sure mon cheri! :bum:

Janell 06-06-2005 05:23 PM

I have been there a couple of times. It's really an amazing country. I went to this little town called Roscoff and the folks there were very nice. I am pretty sure not many Americans come through their little town.

indianboy 06-06-2005 06:54 PM

I hope Paris wins the bid for the 2012 summer Olympics. The best city in the world.


gunner 06-06-2005 10:08 PM

pics VID, we want PICS!

EvilDan 06-07-2005 01:01 PM

i am sooooo envious you dog ;-)

Vid Vicious 06-08-2005 07:47 AM

had an awesome evening last night .. drinks at a local pub au 18eme, then an awesome dinner at this gay restaurant ... partyed with the hotest chicks in France, the ladies here really know how to make a guy feel special :p ... ended off the morning with an early morning romp in front (more like behind some trees) the Arch de triumph ...

Did I mention I love it here ?

Dan/Gunner ..hit me up for some private views of my night :)

Vid Vicious 06-08-2005 07:49 AM

I'm heading to the south of france this evening .. gonna spend the day with some Pornstar friends of mine in bordeaux ...

It's good to be vicious ;p

FeTiShLaDy 06-08-2005 09:18 AM

yes France is really a nice place.
continue having fun!

Tafkap 06-08-2005 09:20 AM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
I'm heading to the south of france this evening .. gonna spend the day with some Pornstar friends of mine in bordeaux ...

It's good to be vicious ;p

Tu restes combien de tps à Bordeaux?

Moi je serais de l'autre côté, sur la Côte d'Azur, vers Nice :bonk:

wildgirl 06-08-2005 03:00 PM

Paris is really a good place!

crazybeautiful 06-08-2005 04:33 PM

...love is always in the air

Vid Vicious 06-08-2005 07:28 PM

Love? more like animal sex ... just the way it should be... reqlly lovin it here

Tap... Je suis a Bordeau ceulement pour la journee, je retourne a Paris Jeudi soir. Je rencontre ma mef pour une dernier tourner et c est de retour a montrael vendredi, ca a l air q en va ce voir q a Maimi

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