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cdsmith 06-20-2005 12:29 PM

A little contest for X-nations & a bonus free traffic
Hi, was emailing with Evil Chris recently, he was the winner of my contest on another board recently and thought to invite me over to offer the same fun to the X-nations members, so here you go.

first is a trivia question, and second is a bonus freebie. :cool:

1) The TOUGH TRIVIA question.... To the winner, I will list six of your FHG's for pussycash and get you approximately 1-2k of traffic to those pages.

In the late 1800's 100% of THESE were male. Today, 97% of THESE are female...

What are they?

*Correct answer is based on results from a local radio show. I make no claims on the accuracy of the answer, but the answer announced as the winner is final.

*If you've won the tough trivia here or on another board before pls wait a few weeks before trying again.

Get me on ICQ: 31024634. I will list SIX pussycash FHG's with YOUR affiliate codes in them and get you over 1k of targetted FREE TRAFFIC.

If you're not yet a pussycash affiliate by all means sign up now to this OUTSTANDING sponsor.

#2) BONUS:

If you are NOT presently an affiliate of PussyCash, you can get some free traffic anyway. Just sign up via the button in my signature, and for doing me that courtesy I will list three of your FHG's for pussycash and get them some free traffic as well. Hopefully you guys will then take a look around in the webmasters area of the program and see that it is an excellent sponsor, very professional, well-laid-out, and very easy to make money on.

So without further ado....

Game on. :cool:

Funbrunette 06-20-2005 12:43 PM

Come on people...A contest!!!!! Let's do it! :D

cdsmith 06-20-2005 01:55 PM

Thanks FB.

It's good to be back here. :)

Come on everyone, take a wild guess at it. No rush..... and I won't bite if you get it wrong.

And... to anyone signing up to pussycash for the bonus, just ICQ me your affiliate code and I'll get your galleries up for you.


WEGRuth 06-20-2005 01:59 PM

Tough question! Right now I have NO IDEA! LOL - Good contest though, should be interesting to watch!

adamneve 06-20-2005 02:05 PM

i love this contest :D, tough question

WEGRuth 06-20-2005 02:22 PM

could it be ships? - nah, probably not - I guess most of those have always been female...

university graduates? hmm.. no, that wouldn't be realistic to say only 3% of graduates are men...

hmmm.. will have to ponder this a little more... ::-|

cdsmith 06-20-2005 03:03 PM

I get the feeling I need to give a hint.


Funbrunette 06-20-2005 03:09 PM


Originally posted by cdsmith
I get the feeling I need to give a hint.


A hint would be good CD....It's a very tough question! :p

cdsmith 06-20-2005 03:17 PM

Here's the first hint then....

Originally posted by WEGRuth
university graduates?
The above answer is kind of, sorta, somewhat in the ballpark of being close to what the actual answer is.

That help?

I got time, and if anyone is wondering, this isn't a driveby. I'm here to stay, I'll be watching this thread closely every day. Take a wild guess, you never know, you might get it.

Hey, it's free traffic.

Panky 06-20-2005 03:18 PM


cdsmith 06-20-2005 03:23 PM


Originally posted by Panky

... but interesting guess. I don't know, were libarians mostly men in the 1800's? If so, that could be a top 5 answer.

Top 5 is sort of a honorable mention type thing, like "badge of honor" :D

WEGRuth 06-20-2005 03:35 PM

this feels like a wrong answer.. but I may as well throw it out as not!



cdsmith 06-20-2005 03:45 PM


Originally posted by WEGRuth
this feels like a wrong answer.. but I may as well throw it out as not!



No, but another interesting guess.

FINAL HINT: it is sports-related.

And when I say final hint, I do mean final.


Evil Chris 06-20-2005 03:52 PM

Here's my guess.... field hockey players! :)

cdsmith 06-20-2005 04:00 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Here's my guess.... field hockey players! :)

and you can't win for 2 weeks hoss. :bonk:

WEGRuth 06-20-2005 04:01 PM


cdsmith 06-20-2005 04:13 PM


Originally posted by WEGRuth


We have a WINNAHHH

ICQ me at 31024634 for the prize :cool: Congrats.

Everyone else, the BONUS is still in effect.

I'll stop by again in a day or two with another TOUGH TRIVIA question for everyone.

WEGRuth 06-20-2005 04:16 PM

Holy crap! LOL.. nice one, I guess I should sign up for Pussycash then eh? ;)

Couldn't have done it without your hints there cdsmith!

Thanks :)

cdsmith 06-20-2005 04:28 PM

No problem Ruth.

Yep, it seems that just over 100 years ago, all cheerleaders at sports events were male.

In honor of that, I have to post the following....



Evil Chris 06-20-2005 04:36 PM

Oh wow cheerleaders! Yeah I guess that kinda makes sense right?

GO SPARTANS! hahahahahaha...
Cool contest!

Panky 06-20-2005 04:45 PM

Congratulations Ruth!

Funbrunette 06-20-2005 07:17 PM

Congrats Ruth! Great contest! :cool:

cdsmith 06-21-2005 11:27 AM

Ruth, still waiting on your galleries. No rush, but letting you know I haven't received them yet, in case you had already sent them. If so you should try resending.

To everyone else, the #2 BONUS is still good. Anyone signing up for pussycash today can have 3 of their pussycash FHG's listed for some free traffic.

ICQ me at 31024634

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