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-   -   ANNOUNCMENT! Senseitraffic.com are now open for hardlink trades! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=11892)

CumSensei 06-21-2005 05:02 AM

ANNOUNCMENT! Senseitraffic.com are now open for hardlink trades!
After alot of problems and some hard times finally I got the first site up and ready for hardlink trades over at my new network http://www.senseitraffic.com The first site to go live was http://www.senseiporn.com and itīs a mixed niche site so all kinds of trades are ok with me.

So if you want to set up a hardlink trade please feel free to contact me and lets get some good traffic going here.

Thanks for your time and I am looking forward to trade with your sites now and in the future.


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