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Funbrunette 06-24-2005 08:46 AM

Bonne St-Jean...
1 Attachment(s)
I think it's the tackiest holiday in Quebec....lol

Kream 06-24-2005 10:31 AM

Thinks big sti!!!
Kream 3x

Magnus3x 06-24-2005 10:50 AM

Elvis Gratin - .. when I lived in Sherbrooke.. this was the best day to hook up with hotty french chicks..*S*

Evil Chris 06-24-2005 03:11 PM

The fireworks were good last night. We have a perfect view of them every year from our backyard. I was amazed that they didn't wake the baby. He slept right through the whole thing.

Rochard 06-24-2005 03:12 PM

For us CANDIAN LOVERS who are not aware of all of the holidays up there, why don't you fill us in?

I thought this was a post about some nekkid chick.

Evil Chris 06-24-2005 03:39 PM

It's only a holiday here in Quebec. It's a French-Canadian celebration kinda thing. Canada Day is next week (July 1st).

But as a trade off, Quebec does not get the civic holiday of the first Monday in August.

Funbrunette 06-24-2005 03:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
:D READ the full history here Rochard!

sammy 06-24-2005 07:28 PM

bonne st-jean :D

j'ai pas recu mon t-shirt Xnations Funbrunette :(


Braincash_Pat 06-25-2005 12:32 AM

Bonne St-Jean !

Vid Vicious 06-25-2005 10:26 AM

I'm spending la st jean in Toronto .. I'm such a good quebecer LOL

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