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Mister X 12-13-2002 05:06 PM

Sweet, Sweet Christmas Treat
I finally got my X Nations t-shirt today!:xhappy: :xthumbs:

Thanks EC and FunB! :D

Oh yeah... just curious... did anyone else get the autographed uncensored pic that Steph has on ratethewebmaster? Or was it just me? ;)

Juge 12-14-2002 11:30 AM

Congrats on the shirt, and the bonus pic! :D

Mister X 12-14-2002 01:13 PM

Bahhh. I just woke up and found out that that pic was only a figment of my fevered imagination. :mad:

But it was nice while it lasted. ::-| :D :bonk:

Funbrunette 12-14-2002 01:30 PM

Re: Sweet, Sweet Christmas Treat

Originally posted by Mister X
I finally got my X Nations t-shirt today!:xhappy: :xthumbs:

Thanks EC and FunB! :D

Oh yeah... just curious... did anyone else get the autographed uncensored pic that Steph has on ratethewebmaster? Or was it just me? ;)

Glad you got your shirt hun! :D I'm sure you look HOT in it!

Mister X 12-14-2002 10:46 PM

Re: Re: Sweet, Sweet Christmas Treat

Originally posted by Funbrunette
Glad you got your shirt hun! :D I'm sure you look HOT in it!
Hehe. Nice one! Double entendre combined with a pun. Bonus points awarded. :xhappy:

Fancy 12-16-2002 12:14 AM

congrats on getting the shirt!!

Tafkap 12-16-2002 05:22 AM

Congrats man!!!

What about that pic Steph??


cool1 12-16-2002 09:36 AM

Cool wheres the pic?:D

Darin 12-16-2002 11:43 AM

Chris sent me a copy :D

Tafkap 12-16-2002 11:45 AM


Originally posted by Darin
Chris sent me a copy :D
Lucky u... Hey Chris? what about ur beloved Frenchy??


PaulSweet 12-16-2002 02:05 PM

And here I thought you were talking about SEG (Sweet Entertainment) Paysite X-mas promo.... :bonk:

-=HUNGRYMAN=- 12-16-2002 08:49 PM

Yeah Chris and Steph ...

I also forgot to thank you ... Panky and I got our shirts on Friday :D

I was too busy this weekend to thank you earlier :rolleyes: ... hope you understand :smoker:

Mister X 12-17-2002 02:38 AM

I have to say the shirt was even nicer than I thought it would be. Not as good as that pic would be but close. :D

Well no not really close. But not far off. Or at least not too far off. Bahh. Who am I kidding?. I'd trade a truckload of t-shirts for that pic! 2 truckloads. :love:

twinkley 12-17-2002 12:29 PM

So where are the pics?

So far only Luke has been the only guy to post pics of himself in his XNations shirt!

Come on guys! I did it! You can too!


Panky 12-17-2002 07:53 PM

Thank you for the kewl XNations shirt!




Mister X 12-17-2002 08:34 PM


Originally posted by twinkley
So where are the pics?

So far only Luke has been the only guy to post pics of himself in his XNations shirt!

Come on guys! I did it! You can too!


Don't have a camera. :blush: :bonk:

cool1 12-17-2002 08:39 PM


Originally posted by twinkley
So where are the pics?

So far only Luke has been the only guy to post pics of himself in his XNations shirt!

Come on guys! I did it! You can too!


As soon as I get one. :D

cool1 12-17-2002 08:41 PM

T-shirt that is.
Camera I can get, the folks borrowed it for xmas

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