X Nations

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-   -   TGP/MGP Partner Account Swaps Wanted (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=12020)

Fuckin Bill 07-04-2005 10:58 PM

TGP/MGP Partner Account Swaps Wanted
I'd like to exchange partner accounts with any TGP/MGP owners willing to do so. I'm offering an account on http://www.xxxx.pro in exchange for an account on your tgp or mgp.

My galleries are permanent, hosted on my own servers at http://www.highcountryhosting.com and always up. I've got galleries that have been online untouched over 18 months.

If you want to see what you get with a partner account on xxxx.pro it's all spelled out here: http://www.xxxx.pro/submissions.html You will get great exposure and long-term listings with targetted traffic.

Some samples of my galleries...



My only requirement for an exchange is that I can submit at least 2 galleries per day with a partner account on your site. Partners can submit up to 5 on my site.

If you're interested, please reply here or email me at webmaster@xxxx.pro If you email, please put "partner exchange" in the subject so I don't breeze by it or delete it.


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