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-   -   Ecstasy Glass welcomes Private Ivy - our newest exclusive Ecstasy Glass Girl! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=12045)

JaceXXX 07-08-2005 12:44 AM

Ecstasy Glass welcomes Private Ivy - our newest exclusive Ecstasy Glass Girl!
Ecstasy Glass is pleased and proud to announce
the addition of Private Ivy to our lineup of exclusive girls.

Ecstasy Glass and Ivy have been working long and hard to create some excellent designs that are sure to please any woman (or man) out there. As usual, we at Ecstasy Glass strive to bring you the best pyrex glass dildos on the market, and Ivy didn't let us down with her designs, they far exceeded our standards.


First up we have Private Ivy's Double Ended Pleasure Wand
Ivy has designed a fantastic double ended toy with us. This model has two straight smooth ends spun with a vibrant green followed by two bubbles and a straight smooth shaft. We are sure you will have as much fun with this toy as Ivy does!

Next up is Private Ivy's Studded G-Spot Explorer
Ivy has designed a unique and beautiful g-spot toy with us for herself. This is a double ended model with one straight end and one end curved. The curved end has an egg shaped head embellished with bright green dots. The Shaft has a swirl of 24k gold and real silver followed by more green dots and another swirl of gold and silver.

Finally, we have Private Ivy's Pink and Green Butt Plug
Ivy has designed a unique and beautiful anal toy with us for herself. This model has a spiral of bright green wrapped around the first half followed by three rows of light pink dots.The pink is actually 24K gold fumed and encased with clear glass.

The Ecstasy Glass affiliate program has been paying out affiliates 20% of all sales faithfully since the day we opened, and with products in the $80-120 range, you can't go wrong. Hell, one sale can feed your entire family of albino african alligators for an entire week!

Wanna know more? http://www.ecstasyglass.com/affiliate_info.php
Wanna sign up? http://www.ecstasyglass.com/affiliate_signup.php

You've Seen The Rest, Now Try Pyrex

any questions? hit me up jace@ecstasyglass.com

p.s. - coming soon: a little squirting something

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