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-   -   Epic Cash affiliates, beware of identity theft at the hands of EC admins ! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=12054)

Adult Site Traffic 07-09-2005 02:43 AM

Epic Cash affiliates, beware of identity theft at the hands of EC admins !

I just want to pass this warning out to people as a public service announcement so this doesn't happen to them like it happened to me.

One important note, I cropped out the name/user/pass and social security number myself. Epic Cash (Trey) posted the whole thing.

Trey aka Pimpdogg / P1mpdogg will post private affiliate information from data that is supposed to be secure at Epic Cash, social security # and all.

So anytime Trey gets mad at one of his affiliates, he can and WILL post your passwords, your ss# and anything else he has access too.

Drop them now or risk identity theft at the hands of Epic Cash! I hope this sponsor doesn't have your personal information in their files...

Just type in the url from the screen and see what you can see.

Take a look at the properties (location) of the image in the JBM thread before the image was cut.


Don Soporno 07-15-2005 10:06 AM

so was there any kind of followup on this, maybe a little more info?

Adult Site Traffic 07-15-2005 10:13 AM


Originally posted by Don Soporno
so was there any kind of followup on this, maybe a little more info?
No, I'm sorry. Just that he did it and I felt everyone should know. Most people didn't like the idea that a sponsor would do that.

Don Soporno 07-15-2005 10:26 AM

oh I definatly agree that it wasnt the right thing to do, I just dont check more than 2 boards and the sinkhole known as JBM is absolutly not one of them. I didnt know if maybe this was ongoing or what.

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