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Funbrunette 07-14-2005 04:04 PM

ok, so I've been working out VERY hard lately (I even hired a personal trainer) so needless to say I'm trying to eat healthy...Well I took Ryan to McDonalds and I thought I'd be good and order one of their new sandwiches...Well I took the grilled veggies with cheese...BIG MISTAKE!!!! It tasted AWFUL! ::-| McDonalds shoud stick to fries and hamburgers! No wonder it's low fat, you can't eat it's so nasty!!!! :scram:

Don Soporno 07-14-2005 09:55 PM

Re: Gross!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by Funbrunette
No wonder it's low fat, you can't eat it's so nasty!!!! :scram:


Gruntled 07-15-2005 03:33 AM

I'll be sure to steer clear of those. I actually haven't been to a McD's in months, but that sandwich doesn't sound good at all.

Don Soporno 07-15-2005 10:23 AM

I couldnt survive without my nuggets but hell, with 2 kids it costs $50 a trip...lolol

Gruntled 07-15-2005 11:16 AM

You know it. Getting out under 40 bucks for any stop at fast food is a real treat. :[

crazybeautiful 07-15-2005 05:35 PM

shit happens hihihihhi :P

Cold_ice 07-17-2005 12:39 AM

Re: Gross!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by Funbrunette
ok, so I've been working out VERY hard lately (I even hired a personal trainer)
Why your beautiful the way you are.

Funbrunette 07-17-2005 08:43 AM

Re: Re: Gross!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by Cold_ice
Why your beautiful the way you are.
:blush: What a sweetie! *FB blows Cold_Ice a kiss*

Cold_ice 07-17-2005 07:32 PM

Re: Re: Re: Gross!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by Funbrunette
*FB blows Cold_Ice*
Shit that all I read when I scrolled down.:eek: I'll have to collect those kisses one day!

war_ner 07-18-2005 12:02 AM

it's been quite sometime since i last went to mcdo. i better have a taste of that myself..

Stephane76 07-18-2005 10:34 AM

those fast food places should be taked down and close for good !

i got a bad food poison once from one of them, spend new years at home :mad:

even did a free site for the hell of it http://www.freewebs.com/arbysnc/


Nancy M00re 07-18-2005 01:03 PM

He he... And you know what?
You probably will be asked to go often with the kid liking it :)

Try the Ceasar salad with chicken next time.
It's very good!
That's my option since we have a Mc Do next to the office and I avoid eating the other crap they have in there.

Well, depends...

Evil Chris 07-18-2005 02:56 PM

Nancy, I quit McDo (and all other fast food) almost two months ago.
I hardly miss it at all, and I am very strict with myself about it.

I was eating too much of it, and I just one day said STOP! :)

Stephane76 07-18-2005 02:58 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Nancy, I quit McDo (and all other fast food) almost two months ago.
I hardly miss it at all, and I am very strict with myself about it.

I was eating too much of it, and I just one day said STOP! :)

way to go Chris !!

oh btw check this out if you speak french, it s funny http://www.lespuceaux.com/home.htm

Nancy M00re 07-18-2005 04:03 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Nancy, I quit McDo (and all other fast food) almost two months ago.
I hardly miss it at all, and I am very strict with myself about it.

I was eating too much of it, and I just one day said STOP! :)

It's funny how we change as we get older.
I guess the consciousness is more developped lol.

My two sons don't like Mc Do anymore, thank God.
They have More luxurous tastes now.

Subway rule... he he

war_ner 07-19-2005 12:36 AM

ok.. changed my mind. i will not try that grilled veggies with cheese anymore..

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