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-   -   Danni Cash hosted galleries added today! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=12107)

jjslimm 07-18-2005 08:46 PM

Danni Cash hosted galleries added today!
Today the DanniCash.com evolution continues as we add new hosted galleries and downloadable galleries to the on going development of our affiliate program. We will continue to update you with fresh new hosted galleries and other promotional tools to help you better promote danni.com.

We just added hosted photo galleries of Adele Stevens, Aimee Sweet, Aria Giovanni, Crystal Klein, Danni Ashe, Erica Campbell, Jesse Capelli, Sandra Shine, Veronica Zemanova, Crissy Moran and Kim Chambers this week.

You can find these new galleries in our marketing area located at http://marketing.dannicash.com. You may also download them and host if you prefer using them that way.

Here are a few samples of our new galleries.





Our DanniCash Program pays webmasters $30 Dollars for every join.

To start promoting Danni.com, go to http://www.dannicash.com an signup today or
you can contact JJSLIMM: JohnD@Dannicash.com; ICQ# 149824370

war_ner 07-18-2005 11:56 PM

your models are just hot! good job.

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