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Funbrunette 07-24-2005 11:40 AM

Taking Barbie to a new level!!!
1 Attachment(s)

Funbrunette 07-24-2005 11:44 AM

1 Attachment(s)
She's had 26 plastic surgeries…and she's only 28 years old. She wants to look like Babie doll!

Rochard 07-24-2005 02:57 PM

What the fuck is wrong with people? I'd love to have perfect teeth and perfect skin and perfect hair but face reality - the beauty of life is you are who you are.

Funbrunette 07-24-2005 03:01 PM


Originally posted by Rochard
What the fuck is wrong with people? I'd love to have perfect teeth and perfect skin and perfect hair but face reality - the beauty of life is you are who you are.
Very well said babe! :) (BTW in my eyes you're perfect!)

plugin 07-24-2005 03:14 PM

hmm I have seen her on TV several times

Gruntled 07-24-2005 04:11 PM

If she wants to look like Barbie, she should stop letting people punch her in the mouth... :]

Don Soporno 07-24-2005 06:22 PM

Damn she is ugly

sammy 07-24-2005 06:51 PM


Originally posted by Rochard
What the fuck is wrong with people? I'd love to have perfect teeth and perfect skin and perfect hair but face reality - the beauty of life is you are who you are.

war_ner 07-24-2005 10:05 PM

i think she looked worse when she tried to look like barbie. poor decisions!

MindyBlingBucks 07-25-2005 11:06 AM

Oh my goodness!! :( How sad that she couldn't be happy with the way she looked before. Now she's just really scary!

crazybeautiful 07-25-2005 03:55 PM

WTF??? she's crazy. she just threw away her youthfulness.

twinkley 07-26-2005 04:44 PM


bugsy 07-26-2005 10:27 PM

man, she took 26 surgeries just too look stupid... poor soul...

Panky 07-27-2005 04:51 AM

I've seen her and people like her on TV already. These people put themselves through all kinds of pain and agony. The sad thing is, they usually find something else that needs to be fixed, touched-up or altered after they heal from the last surgery.

A boob job or getting your teeth or nose fixed or something like that, I can understand. I just can't understand the people who take cosmetic surgery to the extreme like this chick.

PrincessX 07-29-2005 06:31 PM


axedbydax 07-30-2005 02:19 PM

well...thats what money can do to people....and people who have lots of money just doesnt know how to spend it so...thats one ugly result...

money makes people crazy...

wildgirl 07-30-2005 05:01 PM

haha barbie looks 40 yrs old...lol

Serenity 08-01-2005 03:56 PM

::-| I've considered getting my boobs reduced. In the consult, the doc mentioned a whole mess of other things he could do to make me "perfect". I guess she took him up on everything...lol

war_ner 08-01-2005 10:40 PM

i wonder if how is he feeling right now, that a lot of people are mocking her poor decisions..

Sheri Santiago 08-02-2005 12:15 PM

I saw her on Oprah. Sadly, she looked better before all the surgeries.

DonMike 08-02-2005 06:16 PM

I saw one of those makeover shows where they followed four people through plastic surgery. This one woman was really pretty, and was just hitting her mid 30's, I think. She said she just wanted to touch a few things up to keep her from getting older looking. There was nothing wrong with her at all and she even said she did not want to look like those freaks who get all the surgery. Well, after the thing was over she looked like the beginning of one of those scary plastic surgery people and you could see how sad she was that she would never look normal again.

pf69.com 08-03-2005 11:38 AM

that 'lady' is nutZ!!!

HpicAnn 08-03-2005 04:55 PM

She does not look pretty..

axedbydax 08-03-2005 06:52 PM

she surely looks like a trash doll...lol

xxxmalouxxx 08-03-2005 09:39 PM

I like barbie alot, but man that's just craziness... She sure looks scary now!

war_ner 08-03-2005 11:33 PM


I saw one of those makeover shows where they followed four people through plastic surgery. This one woman was really pretty, and was just hitting her mid 30's, I think. She said she just wanted to touch a few things up to keep her from getting older looking. There was nothing wrong with her at all and she even said she did not want to look like those freaks who get all the surgery. Well, after the thing was over she looked like the beginning of one of those scary plastic surgery people and you could see how sad she was that she would never look normal again.
look what discontentment can cause you..

bugsy 08-05-2005 04:31 AM

:a: such foolishness for a girl to untertake those surgeries just look like a doll.... she definitely looked like a barbie doll; lifeless, unrealistic, 'plastic face'.

StuartD 08-05-2005 06:50 AM

I don't know anyone who's ever found a fish attractive, so why all these women are going for the fish lip look, I'll never know.

gorgeous 08-05-2005 09:10 AM

yikes! she's ugly

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