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Adult Site Traffic 08-05-2005 10:36 AM

If you need more web site hits then read this ..
Adult Site Traffic has multiple types of traffic for sale and you can get free traffic in 4 different ways.

First, you can get totally 100% free traffic with no strings attached by joining our New Affiliate Program. You'll be credited with a % of every order that you generate. You can take this in credit for traffic or as cash value to our PPC program or apply it to any other traffic that we offer. I will also be coding up a rewards program at some point in the future and you can spend your earnings on that also. There is no minimum to cash out, take a look.

Second, you can get 10% free traffic on all of your orders. You can even combine this with either offer below and gain up to 30% free! How? Give us a link and I give you traffic. It's like getting cash back! Here's how to get started Here's something interesting: If you're an affiliate you can take the free traffic and also run this link with your affiliate code making even more traffic come your way.

Third, all traffic orders paid for by ePassporte enjoy 20% FREE traffic. This is good from orders of 5,000 to .. 2 million or more.

Fourth, all MoneyBookers orders (or ANY e-mail money type orders) will enjoy 10% FREE traffic. This is good from orders of 5,000 to .. 2 million or more.

4 ways to get Free Adult Traffic from A-S-T, Click HERE

Thank you,

Contact me on ICQ - 121760557

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