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atariFu 08-09-2005 10:47 AM

Introducing www.turbothumbz.com
Hi all,

Just thought I would take some time out and introduce myself around the Adult Webmastering community and introduce my site www.turbothumbz.com

The basis for this site is a porn search engine and currently it has indexed 224,002 galleries both picture and video and provides searchable access.

I am looking to trade traffic and make some connections, just post any questions, or you can link to www.turbothumbz.com and your site will automatically show up at www.turbothumbz.com/links.php ordered by the amount of traffic sent.

Hope you like the site, you can also add your galleries for indexing at www.turbothumbz.com/add.php thanks.
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war_ner 08-09-2005 10:27 PM

ti would have been a nice site but just take a look at your thumbs.. you might want to improve them qualilty wise..

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