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fish 08-09-2005 05:27 PM

2 sites for sale
I'm selling 2 AVS sites. Had them up for some time now but haven't had time to promote them for the past month or so.

BUTT DIGGERS (adultsallowed)
domains: buttdiggers.com, buttshovel.com
still has 2 members, $28 unsent payout (which will go to buyer.)
includes 7 gallery templates
all content and actual site hosting (buttdiggers.com) provided by adultsallowed

19 VIDS (deluxepass)
domains: 19vids.com, 19videos.com
still has 3 members, $135 unsent payout (which will go to buyer.)
includes 2 videos, 1 image set from ipasak
1 gallery template included:

domain transfers via namecheap will cost $8.88 each. $35.52 for the 4 domains.

i'm selling mostly the design and possible future rebills.
hit me up with an offer on ICQ 147307350 if you're interested.

war_ner 08-09-2005 10:30 PM

those are great sites.. i wonder why you have no time to promote them.. i think they are salable. anyways, good luck.

fish 08-09-2005 10:35 PM

got no time since i started working as a full time designer for a certain program. thanks though ;-)

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