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tim 08-11-2005 05:46 AM

making content in moscow
I might be asking this question in the wrong place, if so can someone point me to the right one. I've lived in Moscow for almost three years now, speak Russian (badly) I'm interested in acting as an agent here, and helping people make content. Where can I contact content makers, my emails to some of the larger studios are being ignored. I'm a newbie so please no abusive replies.

Paul Markham 08-11-2005 08:50 AM

Shooting porn in Russia is illegal so don't expect a big rush of people. Your best bet is to find the girls then send them out of the countrt. Trying to get shooters to Russia will be hard work.

SeriousCash 08-11-2005 04:27 PM

You should ask on russian awm forums like


war_ner 08-11-2005 10:47 PM

i also know that is is illegal there.. good luck n that venture though.. and welcome aboard!

tim 08-12-2005 08:57 AM

thanks for the advice guys. Sending them out of the country would suit my goals fine. Does anyone know of any agents/studios that would work with me to do that. Russian girls would like to work overseas like the Czech/Hungarians but they can't organize themselves to make contacts and get visas. (Just out of curiosity where is it legal to make content, will the new Czech prostitution laws affect the adult industry?)

tim 08-15-2005 05:47 AM

ok, so I might be asking the wrong question. Can somebody point me toward any forums where content makers hang out?

war_ner 08-15-2005 10:22 PM

try xbiz..

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