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gnat69 08-19-2005 11:16 AM

Christopher Walken for President in 2008
Christopher Walken 2008

"Our great country is in a terrible downward spiral. We're outsourcing jobs, bankrupting social security, and losing lives at war. We need to focus on what's important-- paying attention to our children, our citizens, our future. We need to think about improving our failing educational system, making better use of our resources, and helping to promote a stable, safe, and tolerant global society. It's time to be smart about our politics. It's time to get America back on track."



MindyBlingBucks 08-19-2005 12:58 PM

Is that for real?!

I mean, I love Christopher Walken as much as the next guy, but. . .I dunno abou this!!:eek:

gnat69 08-19-2005 01:09 PM


Originally posted by MindyBlingBucks
Is that for real?!

I mean, I love Christopher Walken as much as the next guy, but. . .I dunno abou this!!:eek:

I just found out it is a joke:


axedbydax 08-19-2005 04:07 PM

hmm.. I thought it was for real...good thing its just a joke..

Don Soporno 08-19-2005 06:54 PM

I would have voted for him.

xxxmalouxxx 08-19-2005 11:45 PM

lol...he does good roles as a politician!

Don Soporno 08-20-2005 02:53 AM


Originally posted by xxxmalouxxx
lol...he does good roles as a politician!

thats all being a president is really. You just act and talk according to the script your advisors give you...LOLOL

Evil Chris 08-20-2005 01:49 PM

Someone should start a Martin Sheen for president website.

Most people would fall for it. LOL

wildgirl 08-20-2005 11:12 PM

I think he'll be a good politician

plugin 08-21-2005 06:05 PM


Originally posted by Don Soporno
I would have voted for him.

It is great fun

xxxmalouxxx 08-21-2005 06:28 PM


Originally posted by Don Soporno
thats all being a president is really. You just act and talk according to the script your advisors give you...LOLOL

war_ner 08-22-2005 06:03 AM

This guy gets my vote.

gunner 08-23-2005 01:15 PM

I'd vote Henry Rollins for president


axedbydax 08-23-2005 01:18 PM

hmmm..ok..i'll think about it..but i dont think i'll vote for him...

crazybeautiful 08-23-2005 03:15 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
Someone should start a Martin Sheen for president website.

Most people would fall for it. LOL

not a bad idea though :D

war_ner 08-24-2005 05:29 AM


Originally posted by crazybeautiful
not a bad idea though :D
The president with the most handsome first sons.

gnat69 08-24-2005 03:08 PM


Originally posted by gunner
I'd vote Henry Rollins for president


LOL, shit might actually get done for a change.....:D

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