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Funbrunette 08-24-2005 07:33 PM

Skeleton Key...Rotten tomatoes!!!!
I had heard both..."Go see it it's great & don't bother!" I thought I'd take a chance on that one and go see it...BIG MISTAKE!!!! What a lame movie! Very predictable and long! So I wonder what's the scariest movie you've ever seen? :eek:

I'd have to say the first Amytiville spooked me quite a bit...

monaro 08-24-2005 11:40 PM

Re: Skeleton Key...Rotten tomatoes!!!!

Originally posted by Funbrunette
I had heard both..."Go see it it's great & don't bother!" I thought I'd take a chance on that one and go see it...BIG MISTAKE!!!! What a lame movie! Very predictable and long! So I wonder what's the scariest movie you've ever seen? :eek:

I'd have to say the first Amytiville spooked me quite a bit...

Ahh Funbrunette, Salem's Lot the move from 1979 got under my skin when I was 8.

"I would have to say that any scairy movie that has to be watched with the light on is a scairy movie :)"

war_ner 08-25-2005 06:45 AM

Skeleton Key? I wanna see this one.

Don Soporno 08-25-2005 09:00 AM

thanks for the review, I was gonna see it but if its that bad then I will pass.

crazybeautiful 08-25-2005 05:48 PM

skeleton key is interesting... saw the premier night but wasnt able to watch till the end. gonna see it again in the weekend.

i remember Night of the Living Dead, sucked big time! it scared me to death. dunno w/c is the scariest but one of those that spooked me was People Under the Stairs (korean horror movie) and the rest were suspense thriller.

monaro 08-26-2005 05:53 AM


Originally posted by crazybeautiful
skeleton key is interesting... saw the premier night but wasnt able to watch till the end. gonna see it again in the weekend.

i remember Night of the Living Dead, sucked big time! it scared me to death. dunno w/c is the scariest but one of those that spooked me was People Under the Stairs (korean horror movie) and the rest were suspense thriller.

G'day, I kinda enjoyed watching Night of the Living Dead.... strange yes, i know..

I just still have a hard time watching vampire movies, they just really spook my mind set to still to this day think in some strange way that vampires are real...

eek, :D

gorgeous 08-26-2005 07:00 AM

i would check it out.

MindyBlingBucks 08-26-2005 12:00 PM

Shame to hear you didn't like it, it looked pretty good from the trailer. Maybe I'll just wait for this one to come out on DVD.

axedbydax 08-26-2005 02:39 PM

I'll watch it myself....went to the premier but was unable to finish it....

.....the scariest movie I've watch so far was the Texas Chainsaw Massacre...that movie really is scary...

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