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Evil Chris 08-28-2005 09:44 PM

What do you collect?
I have a few collections. I collect old Canadian paper money for one thing. It's a small collection, but valuable.

I also have an extensive hockey card collection. It's not so valuable except for the really old stuff I have. I collect them for fun anyway though.

What do you collect?

Panky 08-28-2005 11:02 PM

Right now it seems I collect porn, stray cats, and grey hair. The CD's of porn I've been meaning to do something with, but hasn't happened yet. I took pity on one hungry stray cat and he went and told his friends. The grey hair is beginning to happen one strand at a time overnight it seems.

I have a lot of 33's, 45's and tapes from the 70's and 80's as well as the Rolling Stone magazines.

I have a lot of Pink Floyd laser discs, albums, VHS tapes, CD's, and box sets. I still collect Pink Floyd stuff.

As for the real girly stuff, I have a moderate collection of Precious Moments figurines. I haven't bought any for a few years only because I have no idea what I'm going to do with them, but I still think they are cute though.

war_ner 08-29-2005 05:45 AM

Before I was collecting stamps but I stopped it when I thought of it as a bit boring.

As of now I am collecting anime magazines.

Don Soporno 08-29-2005 08:38 AM

I used to collect baseball and football cards but I gave them all to my little bro when I left for boot camp. Had about 30k ranging from 75-94 including a couple valuable rookies like McGuire, Canseco, Jerry Rice, Roger Craig, Bo Jackson (Both Sports), Steve Young, Gooden, Strawberry and thats just a couple of them. Damn, wish I would have held on to those. Now I collect overdue and cutoff notices...;-)

Funbrunette 08-29-2005 08:42 AM

Men I've had sex with (they're all burried in my back yard) ::-|

Vid Vicious 08-29-2005 10:04 AM

I collect artifacts .. Such as original aztec stone cravings, Toltec Shayman sticks, I have a very small collection.

I have an Uncle that collects BC relics (before Christ) , He's got one of the largest collections of the country he lives in, 2nd to the country's own collection. I guess that always impressed me and lead me to start my own collection of cermionial masks, wood cravings, Cerimonial sticks ...etc

I've also have a small Film Camera Collection, My oldest camera was bought the year I was born still in it's original box.

but mostly I collect Watches .. Or i used too, till my collection got stolen !

Raya 08-29-2005 10:30 AM

I seem to collect people;)
It's fun and I really enjoy it!
Oh and camera equipment too;)

Stephane76 08-29-2005 11:52 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Men I've had sex with (they're all burried in my back yard) ::-|
Euhhhh never mind that hug you wanted to give me !!

I collect soccer jerseys ( just started a year ago )

MindyBlingBucks 08-29-2005 11:59 AM

I don't collect anything. :[ Maybe I should start a collection!

wildgirl 08-29-2005 09:37 PM

I love to collect new coins and I'm very fond with it :)

Vendzilla 08-30-2005 12:34 AM

I collect coins, old guns and knives

war_ner 08-30-2005 02:47 AM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
I collect artifacts .. Such as original aztec stone cravings, Toltec Shayman sticks, I have a very small collection.

I have an Uncle that collects BC relics (before Christ) , He's got one of the largest collections of the country he lives in, 2nd to the country's own collection. I guess that always impressed me and lead me to start my own collection of cermionial masks, wood cravings, Cerimonial sticks ...etc

I've also have a small Film Camera Collection, My oldest camera was bought the year I was born still in it's original box.

but mostly I collect Watches .. Or i used too, till my collection got stolen !

Wow, valuable collections you got there man. Do you spend time travelling to various places just to look for these items?

globofun 08-30-2005 05:00 PM

I used to collect Soviet Military uniforms and medals when I used to be rich!

war_ner 08-31-2005 04:31 AM


Originally posted by globofun
I used to collect Soviet Military uniforms and medals when I used to be rich!
Are you from Russia? Why don't you earn them by joining the force. I think it's worth it.

sexylady 08-31-2005 09:54 AM

i used to collect stuff toys... before... :) ;) :P

gnat69 08-31-2005 10:19 AM

anything to do with Butterflies

Itchy 08-31-2005 02:36 PM

domain names :)

war_ner 09-01-2005 06:14 AM


Originally posted by gnat69
anything to do with Butterflies
I hope you don't inclue butterfly shit on your collection.

gorgeous 09-01-2005 08:24 AM

i collect shoes and clothes.

HotMovies_Jason 09-01-2005 11:04 AM

I collect rejection letters/emails.

film festivals, grad schools, jobs. you name it and I've probably been rejected from it.

Braincash_Pat 09-01-2005 03:25 PM

I use to collect sports cards, stamps and coins.

Today I'm more into comic books (a few handpicked series) and DVDs.

Been a while since I had time to maintain any collection though.

crazybeautiful 09-01-2005 04:11 PM

i collect audio CDs of my fave songs & artists. i dont mind having duplicate copies as long as i have them and gets to listen to them. now my new collection is DVDs of movies ive seen & movies worth watching in DVD only :D

axedbydax 09-01-2005 05:47 PM

I collect nuclear weapons, bombs, high powered guns, tanks, and war planes....

war_ner 09-02-2005 03:51 AM


Originally posted by axedbydax
I collect nuclear weapons, bombs, high powered guns, tanks, and war planes....
I thought ninjas are only interested on samurais and conventional weapons.

axedbydax 09-02-2005 01:49 PM

hahahaha.....thats my other personality...lol

spideriux 09-02-2005 02:36 PM

I collect T-Shirts

Funbrunette 09-03-2005 10:28 AM


Originally posted by war_ner
I hope you don't inclue butterfly shit on your collection.
ROFL!!!!!!!! Now what made you think of that? I'll have you know I am actually laughing out loud right now!!!! :bonk:

Don Soporno 09-03-2005 04:04 PM

I collect over due notices....lol

montrealpornking 09-04-2005 09:27 PM

Beer :) from many countries.

war_ner 09-05-2005 04:29 AM


Originally posted by Don Soporno
I collect over due notices....lol
:D I wonder when did your passion for those stuff has started.

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