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TonsPorn 08-29-2005 01:04 AM

Tons-Porn.com needs tons of submittion, hardlinks and LLLL
Submittion: http://www.tons-porn.com/adult_webmaster/submit.php
To suggest a new category, please contat info "at" tons-porn.com

To exchange hardlinks, you may fill the form at http://www.tons-porn.com/adult_webmaster/hardlink.php or contact us directly.
We can provide a free link from http://www.yeeyaa.com to the sites that link back to http://www.tons-porn.com

I also want to exchange LLLL(Link List Link List on webmaster pages) with LL owners.

I will appreciate any cooperation and advice from you. Please feel free to send email to info "at" tons-porn.com or hit me up via ICQ:37898693

gabrio 08-29-2005 04:13 AM


we can do the following if you agree:

i can give you a hardlink from

www.freecybergirls.com with the link text/anchor you want, and you linkback from http://www.tons-porn.com/ to our blog http://shopping.gabrio.com/ with the text/anchor "Pornstar" - simple as that, you get 4 links on 4 sites (hosted on diff ips) and you give us back one single link for the blog.

let me know what you think.

TonsPorn 08-30-2005 03:10 AM


Originally posted by gabrio

we can do the following if you agree:

i can give you a hardlink from

www.freecybergirls.com with the link text/anchor you want, and you linkback from http://www.tons-porn.com/ to our blog http://shopping.gabrio.com/ with the text/anchor "Pornstar" - simple as that, you get 4 links on 4 sites (hosted on diff ips) and you give us back one single link for the blog.

let me know what you think.

Good deal! hit me up ICQ:37898693 or PM me with detail :) I will get you sites up as soon as I got your sites' info.

gabrio 08-30-2005 03:14 AM


Originally posted by TonsPorn
Good deal! hit me up ICQ:37898693 or PM me with detail :) I will get you sites up as soon as I got your sites' info.
great but i just gave you the info here: "Pornstar" for http://shopping.gabrio.com/ - ill put up your links within the morning and shoot an icq when its done.

gabrio 08-30-2005 05:09 AM

all done, thanks for the trade!

Gruntled 08-31-2005 04:18 PM

Tons and gabrio,

feel free to add links at

This Page It checks for the recip.

I'd be happy to have a link for each site you have listed here.

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