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Sarah_MaxCash 08-31-2005 08:29 AM

Back To School Promo Material Design Special Offers From Webinc
The summer is almost over and every where you look there are 'back to school' sales. So, Webinc thought we would join in the fun and offer some great back to school deals on a variety of promo materials.

The packages we are offering are:

100 Animated Banners + 5 Free Buttons = $599.00

10 Animated Banners = $150.00

10 Static Banners = $95.00

10 Full Page Ads + 10 Free Banners = $1499.00

10 1/2 Page Ads + 5 Free Banners = $750.00

Check out our massive banner and FPA and HPAto see why these are such great deals.

If you need any help or have any questions feel free to contact me at sarah@webinc.com or on icq at 232834291.

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