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-   -   New FHS, FPA, SE portal, Gallery Builder and more more... (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=12504)

pumpkin 09-04-2005 01:06 PM

New FHS, FPA, SE portal, Gallery Builder and more more...
Hi guys!

News from NewNudeCash.com

We have FRESH promo-tools for you guys:

1. Portal page. Want to link to a site that has links to all our sites
and that trace your sales all the way on all of them?

2. Hosted free sites:
Hegre-Archives.com - http://newnudemag.biz/fhs/hegre-01/
GalleryCarre.com - http://gallerycarre.biz/fhs/carre-01/
NewNudeCity.com - http://newnudecity.biz/fhs/kern-01/
NewNudeMag.com - http://newnudemag.biz/nnmfhs/newnudemag01/

Use them for your Link Lists or CJs or wherever you want :-)

3. Full Page Ads:
Hegre-Archives.com - http://www.newnudecash.com/webmasters/hegre_ads.php
GalleryCarre.com - http://www.newnudecash.com/webmasters/carre_ads.php
NewNudeCity.com - http://www.newnudecash.com/webmasters/nnc_ads.php

4. Brand new GalleryBuilder, that allows you to build the gallery with
any content and any design on the fly. (To see it you have to
signup first)


5. A lot of new FHGs, zips with content etc.

To use all that tools in your promotion, please >> SIGNUP HERE <<

Sasha from NewNudeCash.com

P.S. If you're already an affiliate of us, you can contact me anytime for help,
advice, or problem solving issues. Thank you for working with us!

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