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montrealpornking 09-05-2005 03:23 AM

Qwebec Expo report
1 Attachment(s)
Good evening everyone

Just a quick report on the Qwebec Expo that just took place in Montreal :)
It was a great event and everyone was great.
Got to meet a bunch of people.
Evil Chris was very informative and helpful in sharing traffic ideas. In fact I got to see Evil Chris warm sensative side :P and how he cares about the people in this business and he is not that Evil afterall.
Scott from sleazydream.com was on hand as well and gave some traffic tips which was very helpful.
YNOT Bob also shared a lot of good knowledge with everyone. Great guy.
I would highly recomend to anyone to go to next years Qwebec Expo. This is a must for anyone serious about the business.
Even though it was a bit smaller show due to the time of the year, a lot of business got done because you can get closer to people and talk business.
The awards at the end of the Qwebec Expo were truly wonderful to recognize the best in the business.
Thank you Michael for putting such a great event together.

war_ner 09-05-2005 04:32 AM

Nice Poster there guys. Glad you had such a wonderful time. :)

Funbrunette 09-05-2005 09:07 AM

What a great job Micheal P (Qwebec Expo) Very well done, lot's of networking and wonderful people....I look forward to next year! :xthumbs:

StuartD always a pleasure babe (I enjoyed our conversation) :)
Jman, you're my BITCH (I can't believe I got to see you in your underwear, I miss you hun)
Odie, girl you look great and as always I had an amazing time with you!
Ynot Bob, always a pleasure (looking good)
SleazyDream (do I know you babe? :blush: Got some great pics of us)
Mediaguy (I don't know what to say :eek: last I saw you were passed out at the dome, but I'm glad we met)
Vid, I loooooooooooooove you babe! Do you know who YnotBob is??? LMAO!!!!
Mikael (Mon estie, t'es fou!!! Je t'adore)
KennyB (Thanks for escorting me, errr....being my date)
Legacy and SheDevil (glad we FINALLY met...Thanks for the glow sticks)
SexyScribes & Lulu (So happy I got to see you ladies again)
BrainCashPat...Congrats Dude! You won everything!!!!
Montreal Porn king, David and Caroline Congrats on the new baby and what a delight meeting you (you got me hooked on Vodka and green Apple)
JFK, Wooohoooo I got to hug you on camera....lol pls be nice with the pictures you post ;-)
Ronaldo, Great to see you hun, Sorry we didn't get to talk more....
Stephane76, Quel plaisir...j'espere te revoir au prochain show!

I'm sure I forgot someone :rolleyes: If I did I'm really sorry... Lot's of you I can't remember names but it was great seeing EVERYONE!!!!

JFK 09-05-2005 10:11 AM

Pleasure hugging you FB :D Had a great time, the pics will be up shortly:cool:

StuartD 09-05-2005 10:27 AM

Hey FB, it was great seeing you too.. I can't believe you didn't recognize me. Have I really gotten that fat?

It was an awesome conversation though.... I really enjoy the rare chances I get to see you at the shows.

Likewise, EvilChris... it was a pleasure getting to have daddy talk with a fellow new father.

Montrealponkking, it was a pleasure meeting you.

I have way to many other people to mention... and no time to do it. But I will get to it.

Funbrunette 09-05-2005 10:39 AM


Originally posted by StuartD
Hey FB, it was great seeing you too.. I can't believe you didn't recognize me. Have I really gotten that fat?

I'm sorry :blush: You looked great babe...Maybe it was the Vodka/7up??? Lame excuse huh... I got it worst from Sleazydream...You got to remember the last time I went to a show was 2 years ago...BUT I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!

Again congrats on your BEAUTIFUL baby boy! :D

Ronaldo 09-05-2005 11:40 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Ronaldo, Great to see you hun, Sorry we didn't get to talk more....
It was great to see them, er, YOU again too darlin'.

As well as spend some time with David, Stuart, JFK, Chris and everyone else.

Funbrunette 09-05-2005 11:53 AM

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Originally posted by Ronaldo
It was great to see them, er, YOU again too darlin'.

Heheheheh! I REALLY enjoy resting THEM on you during this picture! :D

Odie 09-05-2005 02:43 PM

Ok I'm still recovering from my drive home w/ Jman but I had a great time!

Howard and Charlie should really start a stand up show. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life!

Funbrunette, it was great hanging out w/ you. I'm glad I got to steal you away from KennyB for a while!

Evil Chris, well, I think I hogged you for a while on Fri night but am so happy that you and Steph took turns to come out!

I am still unpacking and trying to get my energy levels back!

Great job to Michael, even tho it was a small group of ppl I really enjoyed my time. Until next year!!!!!! :)

qwebecexpo 09-05-2005 03:01 PM

Thanks guys for the good comments. I take the day off today ;)

but I'll get back with my Shout-Out tomorrow :)

montrealpornking 09-05-2005 05:08 PM

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The Vodka and green Apple is great Funbrunette but you should also try the watermellon :D
It was great meeting you and Chris as well as everyone at the show.
Hope everyone had a great time and got a lot done.
Funbrunette I look forward to speaking to Chris and perhaps start working together :)

quotealex 09-05-2005 07:10 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette

Mediaguy (I don't know what to say :eek: last I saw you were passed out at the dome, but I'm glad we met)

Mediaguy has perfected the art of getting wasted and passing out:D

Funbrunette 09-05-2005 07:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's a good picture!!! :glugglug:

montrealpornking 09-05-2005 09:21 PM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
Here's a good picture!!! :glugglug:
Ronaldo is that you drinking water again in the picture ?

TheLegacy 09-06-2005 09:06 AM

was an honor meeting some new webmasters and seeing some old faces again. A definite must for next year

Stephane76 09-06-2005 09:29 AM

What a great time !
Thanks again Michel & Patt for your kindness and hospitality !

Was so nice to put a face behind a screen name, i miss the city already :(
Cant wait for the next show...

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