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Megaposter 09-06-2005 06:18 AM

Request partner accs for gay galleries
I have cool galleries, about knights and medieval gaysex(also petr novak).
There are no any cheats, exploid and another bullshit
in them(only pure html). And i would like to ask you to
give me partner account for posting my galleries.
I honest and skilled poster, i post galleries more 2 years!
Trust me, and i will post only clean and good galleries for a long long time!

Samples of my galleries:

Petr novak:
http://porn-friend.biz/cool_gay_230805/index.html (old design)

boyknights and medieval gay sex:
http://perero-porn.biz/naked_knight_210805/index.html (old design)

P.S. also i have galleries about knightsgirls(sample:
http://crutop.biz/knight_porn_210805/index.html ), if your TGP (or TGPs :rolleyes: )
accept not only gay galleries i would like to post it too.

mail: alberto@perero-porn.biz
icq: 199597464

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