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war_ner 09-08-2005 11:24 PM

HIV-positive man gets 13 years for spitting blood
Man found guilty of attempted murder of NYC police

NEW YORK (AP) -- An HIV-positive ex-convict who said he tried to kill several police officers and a psychiatric hospital employee by biting them or spitting blood in their faces was sentenced Wednesday to

13 years in prison.

wildgirl 09-11-2005 10:42 AM

He must be sentenced to death...

Funbrunette 09-11-2005 04:37 PM

That's awful!!!! ::-|

jscott 09-12-2005 12:00 AM

man thats really fucked up of him

war_ner 09-12-2005 03:25 AM

I'd suggest he needs to be hung by his balls.

gunner 09-12-2005 11:27 PM

I used to bounce in a night club and one night during a fight a guy I had down on the ground, lunged up and bit my leg. All the way through my jeans and into my calf. Permeneant scar.
If he'd had HIV I'd have been infected for sure, I made sure I was tested regularly for a couple years after it happened.

war_ner 09-13-2005 04:55 AM


Originally posted by gunner
I used to bounce in a night club and one night during a fight a guy I had down on the ground, lunged up and bit my leg. All the way through my jeans and into my calf. Permeneant scar.
If he'd had HIV I'd have been infected for sure, I made sure I was tested regularly for a couple years after it happened.

Well, I think the probability for being infected byt that is kinda low so don't worry, he just bit you and probably what entered to your body is just a very small potion of his contaminated saliva. Nothing to be alarmed.

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