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Sarah_MaxCash 09-26-2005 07:21 AM

Great deals on banner starter packs from Webinc !
Webinc is known for doing great deals on bulk orders of top quality banner design. However, we know that not everyone needs 100 banners at a time.

So, we have put together a design special aimed at people that only need a handful of banners but still want the high quality design that Webinc offers to all our clients.

The deals we have on offer are:

10 Animated Banners = $150.00

10 Static Banners = $95.00

The banners can be a mixture of both animated and static, can be made up of different sizes and can be for any number of sites.
The packages we are offering are:

Check out our massive banner portfolio to see why these are such great deals.

If you need any help or have any questions feel free to contact me at sarah@webinc.com or on icq at 232834291.

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