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-   -   Happy Halloween from AdultActionCash! $100 per signup every Friday in October!! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=12853)

myjah 09-30-2005 05:29 PM

Happy Halloween from AdultActionCash! $100 per signup every Friday in October!!
Trick-or-Treat, Smell my feet, Give me LOTS of Money to Keep!

It's creeping close to Halloween and AdultActionCash is "treating" our affiliates with $100 Bonus Days each friday throughout the month of October!! For every join you send, we'll pay you $100!! All campaigns are eligible for this promotion, even if you are usually paid per email. No minimum and no maximum, just easy money for you!

Don't waste YOUR traffic! With our sizzling combination of dating and live cams, AdultActionCam is the only place to send your traffic! That is unless you have GAY traffic which is perfect for GCruise, our gay version of AdultActionCam. With our geo-banners and geo-hotlists, hot TGP's and free content, and control over your exit consoles, we make you the most money for your traffic!

Have a Happy Halloween from the AdultActionCash crew!! Please contact us anytime, we'd love to work with you!

AJ 246666480
Myjah 299322588

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