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monaro 10-07-2005 07:09 AM

eek, It looks like the system can't find the kernel to boot..
"It looks like the system can't find the kernel to boot"..


okay I think I need another beer, don't know too much about kernel, it's a unmanaged and looks like a wiped and reload..

Oh and this guy called Greg is super quick at responding to my request...

Back in a jiffy Xnations :D

Gruntled 10-07-2005 11:55 AM

You need a rescue disk, and a new fstab. what'd you do to it?


Gruntled 10-07-2005 12:06 PM

either that or the bios isn't seeing your hard drive on boot at all. check the connections.

monaro 10-07-2005 06:04 PM

Hi Gruntled, not sure about the harddrive.
I just replied with "hmm umm yeah why not"
to the his wiped and reload comment.

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