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Ronaldo 10-13-2005 04:23 PM

FunBrunette fansigns??
Is she offering them over here too?

Let me know so I can place an order. I missed out at the other place.

Funbrunette 10-13-2005 05:27 PM


Stephane76 10-13-2005 08:06 PM

oh snap the Word is out !

StaceyJo 10-14-2005 01:34 AM

cool... I didnt know funbrunnette had a fansigns...

axedbydax 10-14-2005 10:17 AM

thats great ...wtg FB

Funbrunette 10-14-2005 11:20 AM

Rumours! nothing but rumours! :rolleyes:

Vid Vicious 10-14-2005 05:14 PM

FB .. did you want to book out the Studio this week for your fan signs .. My machine Messed up your message ...


crazybeautiful 10-14-2005 05:29 PM

OMG.... i never thought she......oh never mind ;)

xxxmalouxxx 10-15-2005 01:14 AM

damn.. is this for real?

Funbrunette 10-15-2005 08:15 AM

NO! Seriously guys! I'm inocent! ::-|

Vendzilla 10-15-2005 08:17 PM

Can I get one?

montrealpornking 10-16-2005 12:46 AM

how about a fansign that says FB loves montrealpornking :D :D :D :D

Rochard 10-16-2005 01:48 AM

How about a fan sign that says "FB owes Rochard dinner - plus interest"?

gabrio 10-18-2005 02:18 AM

i want one too!!

Visualad 10-19-2005 11:54 AM

can I get "Me Like To Sucky Peters Cocky" please.


Funbrunette 10-19-2005 11:57 AM

ROFL!!!!!! :bonk: you guys are too much!

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