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Sarah_MaxCash 10-19-2005 09:47 AM

Wishing.com announces new product - earn over $100 a sale
Wishing.com is pleased to announce Zero Nicotine as the latest in our arsenal of products.

Zero Nicotine is an all-natural anti-smoking patch that is set to set our sales charts on fire. This is the type of product that will sell well in both the adult and mainstream arenas and to both men and women.

As with all Wishing.com products, you will get %50 of every sale which in the case of Zero Nicotine could easily make you over $100 a sale.

In addition, because of Wishing.com's close relationship with Webinc all the promotional materials are designed by to the high standards of Webinc. A sample of the Zero Nicotine banners avaible for affiliate usage can be found here . If they don't cover your needs Webinc will be happy to design banners for you in order to promote Zero Nicotine free of charge.

Get first shot and start promoting Zero Nicotine from Wishing.com today.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at sarah@webinc.com or icq me at 232834291.

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