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Jimmidean 10-28-2005 09:09 PM

Free booze+Sexyladies+limo service
Ok Folks,
we are down to about the last 26 spots for the capital bash here is what we have so far.
Sponsored Bar
Sponsored Limo service.
Media attention.
Some Sexy (probably nude) hostesses.
I am working on some great door prizes TBA soon
Here is what we could use some content ladies to show of there stuff.
another sponsor or two.
This event is free but you must be registerd so if you are coming please get on soon
Jim and Jenn

MediaGuy 10-29-2005 09:00 PM

Capitol Bash
As a fellow Canuck I'm proud to be attending the show, Jimmi - we'll be talking about those emails soon (sorry I'm trailing behind on you here, but....)

Here's a bump!


Jimmidean 10-29-2005 10:23 PM

Thanks Dude,
I know you guys are busy.
Looks like we just booked a couple for the after hours content shoot party.
but you have to hit me up for those details

Funbrunette 10-30-2005 08:34 AM

:bump: For you Jimmi!

quotealex 10-31-2005 09:48 PM

Do you know if the hotel is walking distance from the club?

Jimmidean 11-01-2005 06:42 AM

The Hotel is in the heart of dowtown walking distance to all the clubs resteraunts and The Rideau center (huge shopping center) kinda like the eaton center.
We are suppling Limo service to the club for all the Xnation people we can fit.
Anyone coming in by train oe plane can hit me up and I will have a car pick them up and transport them to the hotel.

Jimmidean 11-02-2005 10:35 PM

Somethinf REAL specail is about to be added (
I hope )
Keep your eyes on the site

mshane 09-12-2010 07:25 AM

Help! I'm heading up to Philly on a job interview, and the company is sending a limo service to pick me up from the airport (as well as to and from the corporate offices). Of course, the company is picking up the tab, but do I need to tip the driver (yeah yeah... I don't know how to spell cheuff-whatever-the-hell-it-is)? It is a long drive from the airport and it's going to be one helluva tip if I do give one. Any suggestions? Thanks!
San Jose Limo

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