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Bigsister 11-04-2005 05:07 PM

Affiliate programs: How can they help me promoting my site?
1 Attachment(s)

I am in charge of promoting a paysite which is ranked about at #33 000 - 40 000 (according to the Alexa stats).

As I am not a long time web promoting - engaged person, I would like to make one thing clear, what all offers this program:

Let's take an affiliate program - example Pussycash, with let's say valuable websites and a lot affiliate program options, I want to sign up.

can I expect:

1) their site banners promotion on our site (of course I do, that's what I have commision from)

2) my site promotion on their sites (in my opinion not possible because of the number of signed up)

3) my site getting listed in "their websites" list (don't suppose)

In other words:

I need to place my site banners and free streams to a huge amount of websites (focusing on paysites), engage the most possible webmasters to promote my site. How can these programs help me?

Best regards,


Panky 11-04-2005 06:09 PM

What does the poll have to do with the post? :confused:

I'm not exactly following what you are asking. Are you asking about how to get more affiliates to promote your site and what tools they will need? or

Are you asking about link trades and networking with other programs?

Bigsister 11-07-2005 11:16 AM

Wel our site is basically an online nightclub, that's the secret behind the poll.

Yes it could be interpreted like this:

1] How to get more affiliates to promote our site, what tools will they need?

2] trades and networking with other programs, possibilities.

I admit I should have choose better way to express that.



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