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FunkyMonkee 11-06-2005 03:40 AM

Who's the best Content Providers on the Planet?
My companies names eGo Productions. I've been producing Niche content for nearly 4 years. Before the 2257 drama came out.
I had over 5 quality brokers. Since then most of the content brokers I worked with droped out of business!

Right now my companies listed on

Which I feel are 2 of the best brokers in the whole world for making the Producer a steady income. I would love to hear where you all shop for your content & your advice on another 3 + Content brokers that won't short change me & that have a large webmaster data base.
I'm looking to sell all my 2257 lisenced photo sets.

Please reply with who you feel are the best brokers?


Paul Markham 11-06-2005 08:58 AM

Hit me up on ICQ, we broker for a few. Depends on the quality of your work.

But you are right, giving content out to 4/5 brokers should make you more money than any other way, unless you are a big store.

Servhot 11-06-2005 10:24 AM

If you are looking for an Agency and not only a broker, which also can sell your photos to magazines, please have a look to this info site: http://www.greatsexcontent.dk/?Jobs_%2F_Producer

If you need more info, please do not hesitate to contact me

rednob 11-06-2005 04:25 PM

Why dont you try www.sellmycontent.com
did ok for me

graphicsbytia 11-06-2005 05:07 PM

Re: content

Originally posted by rednob
Why dont you try www.sellmycontent.com
did ok for me

Thanks rednob!

Your content is great, that's why we do so well with it ;)

Panky 11-06-2005 05:16 PM

Re: content

Originally posted by rednob
Why dont you try www.sellmycontent.com
did ok for me

Welcum to XNations rednob. http://www.icando4u.com/smile/wave2.gif

Vid Vicious 11-06-2005 06:01 PM

Servhot .. Id be interested in what you have to say ... Can you send me more info please ... vidboy98@hotmail.com

FunkyMonkee 11-06-2005 07:00 PM

Thank you all for the Links!
I'll have to do my Icqing & e-mailing after my shooots this evening.
We even work on productions on Sunday!
No rest for the wicked!

If your interested in seeing my content I have around 1500 shown on Ounique.
If you like what you see & think we can make money together hit me up on my Icq 256-575-676


DennisK 11-07-2005 04:17 AM

Hi there,

We are quite a big broker and I think most of our photographers are more than happy to work with us :)

icq: 108483386

war_ner 11-08-2005 02:47 AM

Hy, welcome to xnation man.

StaceyJo 11-10-2005 02:41 AM

Lots of broker here huh?

welcome rednob! :)

FunkyMonkee 11-24-2005 12:45 AM

I've been shooting lisenced photo content all last week steady completed over 65 new sets most Niche fetish. I'm looking to sell me 2500-5000 Lisenced photos sets through an honest fast pace & reputable broker. So far I've met a couple really good brokers through X-Nations.

Thank you all for the links

monaro 11-24-2005 04:03 AM


Originally posted by FunkyMonkee
I've been shooting lisenced photo content all last week steady completed over 65 new sets most Niche fetish. I'm looking to sell me 2500-5000 Lisenced photos sets through an honest fast pace & reputable broker. So far I've met a couple really good brokers through X-Nations.

Thank you all for the links

My very first impression a few years ago about Xnations was that I quickly learned that XNations is the home of the leaders in the Adult Content Industry.

I'm having some good vibes about you!

Well done :)

dready 11-27-2005 11:36 AM

Please hit me up to discuss your needs.

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