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Bigsister 11-09-2005 06:48 PM

Alternate ways to offer an Affiliate program
1 Attachment(s)

I am trying to push a paysite with decent traffic and conversion rate, what interests me is how to generally advertise our own affiliate program.

I tried:

1} Mail offers, but I actually recieved one answer from 340 mails sent. I supppose most of my mails had to be regarded as a SPAM mail (which is quite unfair because I had some serious work and expectations with it :)), I also posted this to each webmaster separately.

2} Other way I try is to participate on the Adult webmaster forums, I found some fellow mates, but it's a long way till I get recognized there and not accused of spamming, which I try to avoid nowadays.

3} The registration of domains and setting up the free movie sites which I want to engage to the Free MGP sites, that's in progress now, but this is more focused on new users and traffic.

4) a paid advertisement - didn't tried yet, as I am not sure with the efficiency and very careful on releasing funds (approx price about 1 400 USD / month).

Is there any system, which would be able to connect me with a list of reliable webmasters for a decent sales commission?

Best Regards,


FeTiShLaDy 11-09-2005 06:51 PM

i think those ways are really common.

Bigsister 11-09-2005 07:48 PM

I thought even about some kind of "affiliate program exchange" with other sites. The goal would be the list of really interested webmasters, also TGP's I tried to mail the TGP's and MGP's but without an answer.

Panky 11-09-2005 09:40 PM

Marketing takes time and networking. It's not an overnight, or once and done type of deal.

Write a press release about the site.

Buy ad spots on boards, newsletters, resource sites, TGP/MGP/Link Lists ...

Be a guest on a webmaster radio show.

Network with other site owners and affiliate managers.

Link trade with other sites.

Get listed in resource sites.

Talk to boards about sponsoring a contest.

Have a booth at webmaster shows. Attend shows and network.

Send out promotional products to event planners.

Bigsister 11-09-2005 09:49 PM


This is an exhausting answer, I can assure you I will share only good remarks on X nations.

Best Regards,


Don Soporno 11-10-2005 10:39 AM

I reordered Pankys list into more of a start to finish list. Basically you should be able to start at the top and go down the list as your site grows.

Write a press release about the site.

Network with other site owners and affiliate managers.

Link trade with other sites.

Get listed in resource sites.

Buy ad spots on boards, newsletters, resource sites, TGP/MGP/Link Lists ...

Be a guest on a webmaster radio show.

Talk to boards about sponsoring a contest.

Have a booth at webmaster shows. Attend shows and network.

Send out promotional products to event planners.

Bigsister 11-10-2005 06:59 PM

I never thought about the radio, that ain't a bad idea. I already got an invitation for a webmaster show in Amsterdam, that would interest me for sure, but I want to make sure there are all the "basics" made first.



monaro 11-11-2005 04:47 AM

G'day Carlos, do you own the dot com aswell?

Thinking about the great work your doing with the Bigsister branding.

Bigsister 11-11-2005 12:55 PM


Originally posted by monaro
G'day Carlos, do you own the dot com aswell?

Thinking about the great work your doing with the Bigsister branding.

Well, we own about every domain that has a bit similar meaning but NOT the dot com. I suppose it's a kind of some country band or something like that we will have to deal with them.

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